#cpc044 - Molluscs live, fresh or chilled
Group 044 - Molluscs live, fresh or chilled of Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1 includes these classes:
- #cpc0441 - Abalone, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0442 - Oysters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0443 - Mussels, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0444 - Scallops, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0445 - Clams, cockles and ark shells, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0446 - Cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0447 - Octopus, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0449 - Other molluscs, live, fresh or chilled
In French: http://www.fr2.wiki/cpc:044
In Spanish: http://www.actor-atlas.info/es5:044
Product or service of: any of these:
- #isic0311 - Marine fishing,
- #isic0321 - Marine aquaculture,
- #isic0322 - Freshwater aquaculture,
- #isic0312 - Freshwater fishing.
Coding hashtag: #cpc044
Tagcloud: #tagcoding tags for goods, services and bads
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- #cpc0441 - Abalone, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0442 - Oysters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0443 - Mussels, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0444 - Scallops, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0445 - Clams, cockles and ark shells, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0446 - Cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0447 - Octopus, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0449 - Other molluscs, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc61124 - Fish and other seafood
- #isic0149 - Raising of other animals
- #isic0311 - Marine fishing
- #isic0312 - Freshwater fishing