#cpc471 - Electronic valves and tubes; electronic components; parts thereof
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Group 471 - Electronic valves and tubes; electronic components; parts thereof of Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1 includes these classes:
- #cpc4711 - Electrical capacitors
- #cpc4712 - Electrical resistors (except heating resistors)
- #cpc4713 - Printed circuits
- #cpc4714 - Thermionic, cold cathode or photo-cathode valves and tubes (including cathode ray tubes)
- #cpc4715 - Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices; photosensitive semi-conductor devices; light emitting ...
- #cpc4716 - Electronic integrated circuits
- #cpc4717 - Parts for the goods of classes 4711, 4712 and 4714 to 4716
Note: Where reference is made to HS 2007, the Harmonized System, those definitions can be consulted at the World Customs Organization website: HS Nomenclature 2007 Edition.
In French: http://fr.xy2.wiki/cpc:471
In Spanish: http://www.actor-atlas.info/es5:471
Product or service of: any of these:
- #isic2610 - Manufacture of electronic components and boards,
- #isic2790 - Manufacture of other electrical equipment.
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- #cpc4711 - Electrical capacitors
- #cpc4712 - Electrical resistors (except heating resistors)
- #cpc4713 - Printed circuits
- #cpc4714 - Thermionic, cold cathode or photo-cathode valves and tubes (including cathode ray tubes)
- #cpc4715 - Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices; photosensitive semi-conductor devices; light emitting ...
- #cpc4716 - Electronic integrated circuits
- #cpc4717 - Parts for the goods of classes 4711, 4712 and 4714 to 4716
- #cpc61185 - Electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts
- #isic2610 - Manufacture of electronic components and boards