#cpc8 - Business and production services
The CPC product and service descriptions in a convenient e-book |
Section 8 - Business and production services of Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1 includes these divisions, groups and classes:
Check the corresponding tab for the division's group and class hashtags
- #cpc81 - Research and development services
- #cpc82 - Legal and accounting services
- #cpc83 - Professional, technical and business services (except research, development, legal and accounting services)
- #cpc84 - Telecommunications, broadcasting and information supply services
- #cpc85 - Support services
- #cpc86 - Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities
- #cpc87 - Maintenance, repair and installation (except construction) services
- #cpc88 - Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
- #cpc89 - Other manufacturing services; publishing, printing and reproduction services; materials recovery services
Note: Where reference is made to HS 2007, the Harmonized System, those definitions can be consulted at the World Customs Organization website: HS Nomenclature 2007 Edition.
In French: http://www.fr2.wiki/cpc:8
In Spanish: http://www.actor-atlas.info/es5:8
Product or service of: any of these:
- #isic011 - Growing of non-perennial crops,
- #isic012 - Growing of perennial crops,
- #isic013 - Plant propagation,
- #isic014 - Animal production,
- #isic0161 - Support activities for crop production,
- #isic0162 - Support activities for animal production,
- #isic0163 - Post-harvest crop activities,
- #isic0164 - Seed processing for propagation,
- #isic017 - Hunting, trapping and related service activities,
- #isic0170 - Hunting, trapping and related service activities,
- #isic0210 - Silviculture and other forestry activities,
- #isic0220 - Logging,
- #isic0240 - Support services to forestry,
- #isic0311 - Marine fishing,
- #isic0312 - Freshwater fishing,
- #isic0321 - Marine aquaculture,
- #isic0322 - Freshwater aquaculture,
- #isic05 - Mining of coal and lignite,
- #isic0610 - Extraction of crude petroleum,
- #isic0620 - Extraction of natural gas,
- #isic07 - Mining of metal ores,
- #isic08 - Other mining and quarrying,
- #isic0910 - Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction,
- #isic0990 - Support activities for other mining and quarrying,
- #isic1010 - Processing and preserving of meat,
- #isic1020 - Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs,
- #isic1030 - Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables,
- #isic1040 - Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats,
- #isic1050 - Manufacture of dairy products,
- #isic1061 - Manufacture of grain mill products,
- #isic1071 - Manufacture of bakery products,
- #isic1072 - Manufacture of sugar,
- #isic1073 - Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery,
- #isic1074 - Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products,
- #isic1075 - Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes,
- #isic1079 - Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.,
- #isic1080 - Manufacture of prepared animal feeds,
- #isic1101 - Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits,
- #isic1102 - Manufacture of wines,
- #isic1103 - Manufacture of malt liquors and malt,
- #isic1104 - Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters,
- #isic1200 - Manufacture of tobacco products,
- #isic1311 - Preparation and spinning of textile fibres,
- #isic1312 - Weaving of textiles,
- #isic1313 - Finishing of textiles,
- #isic1391 - Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics,
- #isic1392 - Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel,
- #isic1394 - Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting,
- #isic1399 - Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.,
- #isic1410 - Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel,
- #isic1420 - Manufacture of articles of fur,
- #isic1430 - Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel,
- #isic1511 - Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur,
- #isic1520 - Manufacture of footwear,
- #isic1610 - Sawmilling and planing of wood,
- #isic1621 - Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels,
- #isic1622 - Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery,
- #isic1623 - Manufacture of wooden containers,
- #isic1629 - Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials,
- #isic1701 - Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard,
- #isic1702 - Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard,
- #isic1709 - Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard,
- #isic1811 - Printing,
- #isic1812 - Service activities related to printing,
- #isic1820 - Reproduction of recorded media,
- #isic1910 - Manufacture of coke oven products,
- #isic1920 - Manufacture of refined petroleum products; manufacture of fossil fuel products,
- #isic2011 - Manufacture of basic chemicals,
- #isic2012 - Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds,
- #isic2013 - Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms,
- #isic2021 - Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products,
- #isic2022 - Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics,
- #isic2023 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations,
- #isic2029 - Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.,
- #isic2030 - Manufacture of man-made fibres,
- #isic2100 - Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products,
- #isic2211 - Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres,
- #isic2219 - Manufacture of other rubber products,
- #isic2220 - Manufacture of plastics products,
- #isic2310 - Manufacture of glass and glass products,
- #isic2391 - Manufacture of refractory products,
- #isic2392 - Manufacture of clay building materials,
- #isic2393 - Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products,
- #isic2394 - Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster,
- #isic2395 - Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster,
- #isic2396 - Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone,
- #isic2399 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.,
- #isic2410 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel,
- #isic2420 - Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals,
- #isic2431 - Casting of iron and steel,
- #isic2432 - Casting of non-ferrous metals,
- #isic2511 - Manufacture of structural metal products,
- #isic2512 - Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal,
- #isic2513 - Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers,
- #isic2520 - Manufacture of weapons and ammunition,
- #isic2591 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy,
- #isic2592 - Treatment and coating of metals; machining,
- #isic2593 - Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware,
- #isic2599 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.,
- #isic2610 - Manufacture of electronic components and boards,
- #isic2620 - Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment,
- #isic2630 - Manufacture of communication equipment,
- #isic2640 - Manufacture of consumer electronics,
- #isic2651 - Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment,
- #isic2652 - Manufacture of watches and clocks,
- #isic2660 - Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment,
- #isic2670 - Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment,
- #isic2680 - Manufacture of magnetic and optical media,
- #isic2710 - Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatus,
- #isic2720 - Manufacture of batteries and accumulators,
- #isic2731 - Manufacture of fibre optic cables,
- #isic2732 - Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables,
- #isic2733 - Manufacture of wiring devices,
- #isic2740 - Manufacture of lighting equipment,
- #isic2750 - Manufacture of domestic appliances,
- #isic2790 - Manufacture of other electrical equipment,
- #isic2811 - Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines,
- #isic2814 - Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements,
- #isic2815 - Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners,
- #isic2816 - Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment,
- #isic2817 - Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment),
- #isic2818 - Manufacture of power-driven hand tools,
- #isic2819 - Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery,
- #isic2821 - Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery,
- #isic2822 - Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools,
- #isic2823 - Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy,
- #isic2824 - Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction,
- #isic2825 - Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing,
- #isic2826 - Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production,
- #isic2829 - Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery,
- #isic2910 - Manufacture of motor vehicles,
- #isic2920 - Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers,
- #isic2930 - Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles,
- #isic3011 - Building of ships and floating structures,
- #isic3012 - Building of pleasure and sporting boats,
- #isic3020 - Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock,
- #isic3030 - Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery,
- #isic3040 - Manufacture of military fighting vehicles,
- #isic3091 - Manufacture of motorcycles,
- #isic3092 - Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages,
- #isic3099 - Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.,
- #isic3100 - Manufacture of furniture,
- #isic3211 - Manufacture of jewellery and related articles,
- #isic3212 - Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles,
- #isic3220 - Manufacture of musical instruments,
- #isic3230 - Manufacture of sports goods,
- #isic3240 - Manufacture of games and toys,
- #isic3250 - Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies,
- #isic3290 - Other manufacturing n.e.c.,
- #isic3311 - Repair of fabricated metal products,
- #isic3312 - Repair of machinery,
- #isic3312 - Repair of machinery,
- #isic3313 - Repair of electronic and optical equipment,
- #isic3314 - Repair of electrical equipment,
- #isic3315 - Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles,
- #isic3319 - Repair of other equipment,
- #isic3510 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution,
- #isic3520 - Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains,
- #isic3530 - Steam and air conditioning supply,
- #isic3600 - Water collection, treatment and supply,
- #isic3830 - Materials recovery,
- #isic4329 - Other construction installation,
- #isic4520 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles,
- #isic4540 - Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories,
- #isic5811 - Book publishing,
- #isic5812 - Publishing of directories and mailing lists,
- #isic5813 - Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals,
- #isic5819 - Other publishing activities,
- item:isic5820,
- #isic5911 - Motion picture, video and television programme production activities,
- #isic5920 - Sound recording and music publishing activities,
- #isic6010 - Radio broadcasting and audio distribution activities,
- #isic6020 - Television programming, broadcasting and video distribution activities,
- #isic6110 - Wired, wireless, and satellite telecommunications activities,
- #isic6120 - Intermediation services for telecommunications activities,
- #isic6130 - Satellite telecommunications activities,
- #isic6190 - Other telecommunications activities,
- item:isic6201,
- item:isic6202,
- item:isic6209,
- item:isic6311,
- #isic6312 - Web portals,
- item:isic6391,
- item:isic6399,
- #isic6910 - Legal activities,
- #isic6920 - Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy,
- #isic7010 - Activities of head offices,
- #isic7020 - Management consultancy activities,
- #isic7110 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy,
- #isic7120 - Technical testing and analysis,
- #isic7210 - Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering,
- #isic7220 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities,
- #isic7310 - Advertising,
- #isic7320 - Market research and public opinion polling,
- #isic7410 - Specialized design activities,
- #isic7420 - Photographic activities,
- item:isic7490,
- #isic7500 - Veterinary activities,
- #isic7810 - Activities of employment placement agencies,
- #isic7820 - Temporary employment agency and other human resource provisions activities,
- #isic7830 - Other human resources provision,
- #isic7911 - Travel agency activities,
- #isic7912 - Tour operator activities,
- #isic7990 - Other reservation service and related activities,
- item:isic8010,
- #isic8020 - Security systems service activities,
- #isic8030 - Investigation activities,
- #isic8121 - General cleaning of buildings,
- #isic8129 - Other building and industrial cleaning activities,
- #isic8130 - Landscape care and maintenance service activities,
- #isic8211 - Combined office administrative service activities,
- #isic8219 - Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities,
- #isic8220 - Activities of call centres,
- #isic8230 - Organization of conventions and trade shows,
- #isic8291 - Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus,
- #isic8292 - Packaging activities,
- #isic8299 - Other business support service activities n.e.c.,
- #isic9101 - Libraries and archives activities,
- #isic9319 - Other sports activities,
- #isic9511 - Repair of computers and peripheral equipment,
- #isic9512 - Repair of communication equipment
- #isic9521 - Repair of consumer electronics,
- #isic9522 - Repair of household appliances and home and garden equipment,
- #isic9523 - Repair of footwear and leather goods,
- #isic9524 - Repair of furniture and home furnishings,
- #isic9529 - Repair of other personal and household goods,
- #isic9609 - Other personal service activities n.e.c..
Coding hashtag: #cpc8
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- Central Product Classification
- Central Product Classification v. 2.1
- #cpc81 - Research and development services
- #cpc82 - Legal and accounting services
- #cpc83 - Professional, technical and business services (except research, development, legal and accounting services)
- #cpc84 - Telecommunications, broadcasting and information supply services
- #cpc85 - Support services
- #cpc86 - Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities
- #cpc87 - Maintenance, repair and installation (except construction) services
- #cpc88 - Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
- #cpc89 - Other manufacturing services; publishing, printing and reproduction services; materials recovery services
- #cpc8 - Business and production services
- #CPC hashtags
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