Prevalence of population with moderate or severe food insecurity, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES). ( CBB )
This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 02.1 By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.
2.2, 3.1, and 3.2.
Data & Organisations
For the FIES: FAO and National Data.
Data are collected annually by FAO for about 150 countries through the Food Insecurity Experience Scale module included in the Gallup World Poll, starting from 2014. A number of countries already use similar tools for national food insecurity assessment (e.g., HFSSM in the US and Canada; EMSA in Mexico; EBIA in Brazil; ELCSA in Guatemala.) Data collected through these tools may be used to inform an assessment that would be comparable with the ones obtained by FAO using the FIES in other countries. Over time, ownership of the FIES indicators will be transferred to countries that may start producing their own data. FCS data is collected around the world by WFP, NGOs, and government partners are often collected within the context of larger/broader food security monitoring systems (FSMS). FSMS surveys and associated household questionnaires typically include a number of core modules; household demographics, income sources, expenditures, food consumption and food sources, coping strategies and shocks. A typical completed FSMS household questionnaire, if collected using a conventional “face-to-face” (i.e. on site enumerator and respondent) approach, costs approximately $30. For the purpose of providing a rough estimate of the cost and feasibility of collecting only the FCS data together with the standard household demographic data, we estimate the cost at approximately $15 to $20 per household using the conventional face-to-face approach for data collection.
See attached metadata for a more complete explanation.
FAO can ensure global coverage (about 150 countries every year covering more than 95% of the world population) annually. For countries that regularly use similar scales, national data will be used to inform the indicators for global monitoring. FAO provides the methodology for calibrating all measures against the common, global reference. Indicators values will be disseminated annually by FAO.
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