Status of IWRM Implementation ( BBB )
This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 06.5 By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate.
- This indicator directly underpins all the other water and sanitation related goals and targets, as it informs about the Means of Implementation for SDG 6 technical targets. The indicator can thus be employed to support reporting on targets
- #sdt06a - by 2030, expand international cooperation & capacity-building support to developing countries in water & sanitation.. and
- #sdt06b -support and strengthen the participation of local communities for improving water and sanitation management, and be further complemented by the UNWater Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) for WASH-related issues.
- #sdt01b - create sound policy frameworks, at national, regional and international levels, pro-poor and gender-sensitive: This indicator informs on the existence of sound policy frameworks to support accelerated investments in poverty eradication actions.
- #sdt11b - increase substantially the number of cities & human settlements adopting & implementing integrated policies & plans....
UNEP, on behalf of UN-Water Under the UN-Water umbrella, the GEMI monitoring initiative (see further information and description under 6.3.1), will draw on UNEP-DHI data, which are available for 134 countries. This can be used to provide a baseline for measurements. The UN World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) initiated a project in 2014 to develop a methodology for genderdisaggregated data collection and produce gender-sensitive indicators. In November 2014, the Gender-Disaggregated Indicators presented by WWAP were officially endorsed by the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW). AMCOW officially committed to "establish national targets and a monitoring and evaluation framework for each of the seven pillars of the AMCOW gender policy and strategy, including sex-disaggregated indicators in the African context following guidelines developed by WWAP, by 2016."
Data for 134 countries are available from UNEP-DHI (e.g. (see data file zip link) - full data available on request). Data are collected through the use of national IWRM questionnaires (one per country), measuring both qualitative and quantitative aspects of IWRM. This approach has been successfully applied to measure the status of IWRM for the Commission on Sustainable Development in both 2008 and 2012 (Rio+20). Results can easily be disaggregated to give a more nuanced picture of status both at national and regional (transboundary) levels.
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- 2030 Agenda Indicators
- GEMStat
- Instrument for measuring progress in the 2030 Agenda
- Organisation
- #sdg6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
- #sdt065 - by 2030 implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation ...
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