Hashtags for all economic activities & functions of government in a convenient e-book
Number of countries reporting inclusion of sustainable development and lifestyles topics in formal education curricula
This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 12.8 By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
Targets 4.1, 4.7 , 8.4, 12.1, and 12.8
Data availability is poor. One source focusing on biodiversity is the Biodiversity Barometer
(http://www.bipindicators.net/biodiversitybarometer) but other sources are still under development.
Union for Ethical Biotrade (Indicator under the BIP)
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
hashtags for goods, services and harms