Number of victims of intentional homicide by age, sex, mechanism and where possible type of perpetrator, per 100,000 population

This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 16.1 Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere




UNODC collects and publishes data from criminal justice systems through its annual data collection (UN Crime Trends Survey, UN-CTS); WHO collects and publishes data produced by public health/civil registration. UNODC and WHO are working together to harmonize data and procedures to produce joint UNODC-WHO homicide estimates at country, regional and global level. Considering data collected by both UNODC and WHO, national data on homicide are available for 174 countries (at least one data point after 2009). Time series data on homicide suitable for monitoring are available for 141 countries (at least 3 data points, the most recent for 2011 or later). When national data on homicide are not available, estimates are produced by WHO.

Two separate sources exist at country level: a) criminal justice system b) public health/civil registration