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Percentage of population who paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by these public officials, during the last 12 months ( CBB )
This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
This indicator is proposed to monitor the following targets: 1.4 (access to basic services), 1a (resource mobilization), 10.b (ODA), 16.3 (rule of law), 16.6 (accountable institutions), 16.10 (protection of fundamental freedoms), 17.1 (domestic resource mobilization).
UNODC collects prevalence data on bribery from surveys through the annual United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems mandated by the UN General Assembly (UN-CTS).
household corruption surveys and victimisation surveys with a module on bribery. At least 72 countries have implemented at least one national victimisation survey after 2009. In addition, 9 African countries have already implemented or are in the process of implementing a victimisation survey module as part of the Strategy for Harmonisation of Statistics for Africa (SHaSA).
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- 2030 Agenda Indicators
- Organisation
- #sdg16 - Promote peaceful & inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, .. institutions
- #sdt165 - substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all its forms
- United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends (UN-CTS)
hashtags for goods, services and harms