The Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) was developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and published by the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD).
It can be applied to government expense and the net acquisition of non-financial assets (outlays).
COFOG has three levels of detail: Divisions, Groups, and Classes.
The divisions could be seen as the broad objectives of government, while the groups and classes detail the means by which these broad objectives are achieved.
The initials “CS” or “IS” follow the title of each class in parentheses to indicate whether the services produced by general government units and included in this class are collective or individual services, and thus whether individual and collective final consumption expenditure should be recorded in respective functions.
With the support of Wikinetix a #pdf2wiki conversion was performed during the past years. For the wiki-version some usability improvements were added:
- in order to support multi-lingual debate via social media and the easy retrieval of various contributions regarding a product or service #tagcoding hashtags were added for all sections, divisions, groups and classes.
- references to corresponding International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 4 classes1 were added.
- references to Central Product Classification v. 2.1 classes were added.
- the COFOG class pages (and some other pages) got tagged with #cpc-codes and terms from the CPC classification such that the alphabetic #tagcoding tags for goods, services and bads (a Hashtag cloud) supports the discovery of #cpc-codes and the ISIC or COFOG class that produces or provides the service or product.
The English wiki version of the classification with #tagcoding hashtags can be accessed here: #cofog hashtags.
A translation into additional languages is most desirable, for instances as part of a #digicoop1b - Platform for sharing digital public goods.
A #COFOG hashtag can be combined with a country code or a local government unit code (#WWlgu), for instance as illustrated at #tagcoding pivots which are also available in different languages.
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- #cofog0111 - Executive and legislative organs (CS)
- #cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS)
- #cofog0113 - External affairs (CS)
- #cofog0121 - Economic aid to developing countries and countries in transition (CS)
- #cofog0122 - Economic aid routed through international organizations (CS)
- #cofog0131 - General personnel services (CS)
- #cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
- #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS)
- #cofog0140 - Basic research (CS)
- #cofog0150 - R&D General public services (CS)
- #cofog0160 - General public services n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0170 - Public debt transactions (CS)
- #cofog0180 - Transfers of a general character between different levels of government (CS)
- #cofog0210 - Military defence (CS)
- #cofog0220 - Civil defence (CS)
- #cofog0230 - Foreign military aid (CS)
- #cofog0240 - R&D Defence (CS)
- #cofog0250 - Defence n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0310 - Police services (CS)
- #cofog0320 - Fire-protection services (CS)
- #cofog0330 - Law courts (CS)
- #cofog0340 - Prisons (CS)
- #cofog0350 - R&D Public order and safety (CS)
- #cofog0360 - Public order and safety n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog03 - Public Order and Safety
- #cofog0411 - General economic and commercial affairs (CS)
- #cofog0412 - General labour affairs (CS)
- #cofog0421 - Agriculture (CS)
- #cofog0423 - Fishing and hunting (CS)
- #cofog0431 - Coal and other solid mineral fuels (CS)
- #cofog0432 - Petroleum and natural gas (CS)
- #cofog0433 - Nuclear fuel (CS)
- #cofog0434 - Other fuels (CS)
- #cofog0435 - Electricity (CS)
- #cofog0436 - Non-electric energy (CS)
- #cofog0441 - Mining of mineral resources other than mineral fuels (CS)
- #cofog0442 - Manufacturing (CS)
- #cofog0443 - Construction (CS)
- #cofog0451 - Road transport (CS)
- #cofog0452 - Water transport (CS)
- #cofog0453 - Railway transport (CS)
- #cofog0454 - Air transport (CS)
- #cofog0455 - Pipeline and other transport (CS)
- #cofog0460 - Communication (CS)
- #cofog0471 - Distributive trades, storage and warehousing (CS)
- #cofog0472 - Hotels and restaurants (CS)
- #cofog0473 - Tourism (CS)
- #cofog0474 - Multi-purpose development projects (CS)
- #cofog0481 - R&D General economic, commercial and labour affairs (CS)
- #cofog0482 - R&D Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (CS)
- #cofog0483 - R&D Fuel and energy (CS)
- #cofog0484 - R&D Mining, manufacturing and construction (CS)
- #cofog0485 - R&D Transport (CS)
- #cofog0486 - R&D Communication (CS)
- #cofog0487 - R&D Other industries (CS)
- #cofog0490 - Economic affairs n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog04 - Economic Affairs
- #cofog0510 - Waste management (CS)
- #cofog0530 - Pollution abatement (CS)
- #cofog0540 - Protection of biodiversity and landscape (CS)
- #cofog0550 - R&D Environmental protection (CS)
- #cofog0560 - Environmental protection n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog05 - Environmental Protection
- #cofog0610 - Housing development (CS)
- #cofog0620 - Community development (CS)
- #cofog0630 - Water supply (CS)
- #cofog0640 - Street lighting (CS)
- #cofog0660 - Housing and community amenities n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0711 - Pharmaceutical products (IS)
- #cofog0721 - General medical services (IS)
- #cofog0722 - Specialized medical services (IS)
- #cofog0723 - Dental services (IS)
- #cofog0724 - Paramedical services (IS)
- #cofog0731 - General hospital services (IS)
- #cofog0732 - Specialized hospital services (IS)
- #cofog0733 - Medical and maternity centre services (IS)
- #cofog0734 - Nursing and convalescent home services (IS)
- #cofog0740 - Public health services (IS)
- #cofog0750 - R&D Health (CS)
- #cofog0760 - Health n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0810 - Recreational and sporting services (IS)
- #cofog0820 - Cultural services (IS)
- #cofog0830 - Broadcasting and publishing services (CS)
- #cofog0840 - Religious and other community services (CS)
- #cofog0850 - R&D Recreation, culture and religion (CS)
- #cofog0860 - Recreation, culture and religion n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0911 - Pre-primary education (IS)
- #cofog0912 - Primary education (IS)
- #cofog0921 - Lower-secondary education (IS)
- #cofog0922 - Upper-secondary education (IS)
- #cofog0930 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0941 - First stage of tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0942 - Second stage of tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0950 - Education not definable by level (IS)
- #cofog0960 - Subsidiary services to education (IS)
- #cofog0970 - R&D Education (CS)
- #cofog0980 - Education n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog1012 - Disability (IS)
- #cofog1020 - Old age (IS)
- #cofog1030 - Survivors (IS)
- #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- #cofog1050 - Unemployment (IS)
- #cofog1060 - Housing (IS)
- #cofog1070 - Social exclusion n.e.c. (IS)
- #cofog1080 - R&D Social protection (CS)
- #cofog1090 - Social protection n.e.c. (CS)
- Pico journey
- Tag pivot
#tagcoding tags for goods, services and bads