Hashtags for all economic activities & functions of government in a convenient e-book
Class 0111 Executive and legislative organs (CS) of Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG):
Administration, operation or support of executive and legislative organs.
- office of the chief executive at all levels of government - office of the monarch, governor general, president, prime minister, governor, mayor, etc.;
- legislative bodies at all levels of government - parliaments, chambers of deputies, senates, assemblies, town councils, etc.;
- advisory, administrative and political staffs attached to chief executive offices and legislatures;
- libraries and other reference services serving mainly executive and legislative organs;
- physical amenities provided to the chief executive, the legislature and their aides;
- permanent or ad hoc commissions and committees created by or acting on behalf of the chief executive or legislature.
Excludes: ministerial offices, offices of heads of departments of local governments, interdepartmental committees, etc. concerned with a specific function (classified according to function).
Corresponding ISICv4 class: #isic8411 - General public administration activities
providing services #cpc91111 - Executive and legislative services.
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