Class 0721 General medical services (IS) of Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG):
This class covers the services provided by general medical clinics and general medical practitioners.
General medical clinics are defined as institutions which chiefly provide outpatient services which are not limited to a particular medical speciality and which are chiefly delivered by qualified medical doctors.
General medical practitioners do not specialize in a particular medical speciality.
- Provision of general medical services;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of general medical services delivered by general medical clinics and general medical practitioners.
Excludes: services of medical analysis laboratories and x-ray centres (#cofog0724 - Paramedical services (IS)).
Corresponding ISICv4 class: #isic8430 - Compulsory social security activities
related to these activities: #isic8620 - Medical and dental practice activities
providing services #cpc93121 - General medical services
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