Used in the #SocietalArchitecture e-book

A context index is used to indicate which topic dimensions determine the context to consider for a model element.

In this wiki and in the e-book on societal architecture, these codes are used to indicate levels of scope to be considered when interpreting a model element:

  • Horizon - i: 2016 .. 2030
  • Levels of scope:
    • j: all countries
    • k: all lgu's within a country
    • l: all sectors (economy and governance)
    • m: all businesses
    • n: all households
    • xy: any language
    • i: any initiative
    • z: any of j,k,l,m,n

The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.

hashtags for goods, services and harms