Digital skills involve being able to use digital tools, media and resources efficiently and responsibly, to solve practical tasks, find and process information, design digital products and communicate content. Digital skills also include developing digital judgement by acquiring knowledge and good strategies for the use of the Internet.
Digital skills are a prerequisite for further learning and for active participation in working life and a society in constant change. The development in digital technology has changed many of the conditions for reading, writing and oral forms of expression. Consequently, using digital skills is a natural part of learning both in and across subjects, and their use provides possibilities for acquiring and applying new learning strategies while at the same time requiring new and increased powers of judgment.
The competence goals for this competence area are divided into three competence levels:
- Level 1-2: Having digital skills at Level 1-2 means being able to relate to digital information when required and use digital tools, and being familiar with simple precautions when using the Internet.
- Level 3: Having digital skills at Level 3 means being able to relate actively to digital information and use this information in new settings and situations. Digital tools and services are known and being used.
- Level 4: Having digital skills at Level 4 means being a reflective user of complex digital tools and services. Production of personal ICT-based information is adapted to the situation and based on prior experience.
Source: Vox, Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning (2013) Competence goals for basic skills - Examples of local curricula in reading and writing, numeracy, digital skills and oral skills (url) citing Framework for Basic Skills, Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training 2012.
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