Generic description:
Estimates the impact of ICT solutions in terms of eco responsibilities including energy consumption. Advises business and ICT stakeholders on sustainable alternatives that are consistent with the business strategy. Applies an ICT purchasing and sales policy which fulfils eco-responsibilities.

Competence area: e-CF area A. Plan

Proficiency levels:
e-CF level Description Profiles (CWA16458)
3 Promotes awareness, training and commitment for the deployment of sustainable development and applies the necessary tools for piloting this approach.
4 Defines objective and strategy of sustainable IS development in accordance with the organisation’s sustainability policy.

Knowledge examples (Knows /aware of/ Familiar with:)

  • K1 metrics and indicators related to sustainable development
  • K2 corporate social responsibility (CSR) of stakeholders within the IT infrastrure

Skill examples (Able to:)

  • S1 monitor and measures the ICT energy consumption
  • S2 apply recommendations in projects to support latest sustainable development strategies
  • S3 master regulatory constraints and international standards related to ICT sustainability