Hashtags for all economic activities & functions of government in a convenient e-book

Generic description:
Devises creative solutions for the provision of new concepts, ideas, products or services. Deploys novel and open thinking to envision exploitation of technological advances to address business/society needs or research direction.

Competence area: e-CF area A. Plan

Proficiency levels:
e-CF level Description Profiles (CWA16458)
4 Applies independent thinking and technology awareness to lead the integration of disparate concepts for the provision of unique solutions. Systems architect
5 Defines objective and strategy of sustainable IS development in accordance with the organisation’s sustainability policy.

Knowledge examples (Knows /aware of/ Familiar with:)

  • K1 existing and emerging technologies and market applications
  • K2 business, society and/or research habits, trends and needs
  • K3 innovation processes techniques

Skill examples (Able to:)

  • S1 identify business advantages and improvements of adopting emerging technologies
  • S2 create a proof of concept
  • S3 think out of the box
  • S4 identify appropriate resources