The EIF gives guidance, through a set of recommendations, to public administrations on how to improve governance of their interoperability activities, establish cross-organisational relationships, streamline processes supporting end-to-end digital services, and ensure that existing and new legislation do not compromise interoperability efforts.
The EIF is supported by European Interoperability Reference Architecture, a reference architecture that is focused on the interoperability of digital public services.
Source: European Interoperability Framework - Promoting seamless services and data flows for European public administrations, COM(2017)134, 23 March 2017, url (Available in the languages of the EU Member States)
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- Access Management Component
- Access Management Service
- Application Mediation Enablers
- Application Presentation and Access Enablers
- Application Security Enablers
- Application Test Enablers
- Application Workflow Enablers
- Audit Component
- Audit Service
- Base registries
- Business
- Business information
- Catalogues
- Citizen
- Conceptual model for integrated public services provision
- Configuration and Solution Cartography Service
- Configuration and Solution Cartography Service Component
- Configuration Management
- Conformance Testing Component
- Conformance Testing Service
- Conformance Test Report
- Conformance Test Scenario
- Coordination function
- Core Data Model
- Data
- Data Entity
- Data Model
- Data policy
- Data Publication Component
- Data Publication Service
- Data Set Catalogue
- Data Transformation Component
- Data Transformation Service
- Data Validation Component
- Data Validation Service
- Digital public services
- Digital Service Infrastructure
- e-Archiving Component
- e-Archiving Service
- #eif01 - Ensure alignment of interoperability frameworks and strategies
- #eif10p - Administrative simplification
- #eif11p - Preservation of information
- #eif12p - Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
- #eif1p - Subsidiarity and proportionality
- #eif20 - Holistic governance of interoperability activities across administrative levels and sectors
- #eif21 - Processes to select standards and specifications
- #eif22 - A common approach to selecting standards and specifications
- #eif23 - Consult catalogues of standards, specifications and guidelines
- #eif24 - Participate in standardisation work relevant to your needs
- #eif25 - Ensure interoperability and coordination by putting in place a governance structure
- #eif26 - Establish interoperability agreements in all layers
- #eif27 - Ensure that legislation is screened by means of interoperability & digital checks
- #eif28 - Document business processes and agree on how processes should be aligned
- #eif29 - Clarify and formalise organisational relationships for establishing and operating public services
- #eif2p - Openness
- #eif30 - Perceive data and information as a public asset
- #eif31 - Put in place an information management strategy to avoid fragmentation and duplication
- #eif32 - Support and encourage sector-specific and cross-sectoral communities for open information specifications
- #eif33 - Use open specifications, where available, to ensure technical interoperability when establishing public services
- #eif34 - Use the conceptual model to design or reengineer services, and reuse
- #eif35 - Decide on a common scheme for interconnecting service components and maintain the necessary infrastructure
- #eif36 - Develop a shared infrastructure of reusable services & information sources for use by all public administrations
- #eif37 - Make authoritative sources of information available with access & control mechanisms to ensure security & privacy
- #eif38 - Develop interfaces, publish the semantic and technical means and documentation
- #eif39 - Match each base registry with appropriate metadata
- #eif3p - Transparency
- #eif40 - Create and follow data quality assurance plans for base registries
- #eif41 - Establish procedures and processes to integrate the opening of data
- #eif42 - Publish open data in machine-readable, non-proprietary formats
- #eif43 - Communicate clearly the right to access and reuse open data
- #eif44 - Put in place catalogues of public services, public data, interoperability solutions
- #eif45 - Use external information sources and services while developing European public services
- #eif46 - Consider security & privacy requirements; provision of public services according to risk management plans
- #eif47 - Use trust services according to the Regulation on eID and Trust Services
- #eif4p - Reusability
- #eif5p - Technological neutrality and data portability
- #eif6p - User-centricity
- #eif7p - Inclusion and accessibility
- #eif8p - Security and privacy
- #eif9p - Multilingualism
- EIRA© high-level viewpoint
- Enabler grouping
- e-Payment Component
- e-Payment Service
- European Interoperability Reference Architecture
- European public services
- Exchange of business information
- External information sources and services
- Forms Management Component
- Forms Management Service
- Hosting and Networking Infrastructure Service
- Human interface
- Infrastructure Data Source Enablers
- Infrastructure Discovery Enablers
- Infrastructure Financial Transaction Enablers
- Infrastructure Privacy Enablers
- Infrastructure Security Enablers
- Infrastructure Technology Governance Enablers
- Infrastructure Translation Enablers
- Integrated Public Service Governance viewpoint
- Internal information sources and services
- Interoperability layers
- Interoperability principles
- Interoperability Specification
- Interoperable European Solution
- Interoperable Solution Service
- Learning in the age of digital interdepence
- Legal Act
- Legal Authority
- Legal Interoperability Agreement
- Legal Interoperability Specification
- Legal view
- Legislation Catalogue
- Machine to Machine interface
- Machine Translation Component
- Machine Translation Service
- Metadata Management Component
- Metadata Management Service
- Open data
- Orchestration Component
- Orchestration Service
- Organisation
- Organisational Interoperability Agreement
- Organisational Interoperability Specification
- Organisational view
- Privacy Component
- Privacy Service
- Public Administration
- Public policy
- Public Policy Cycle
- Public Policy Implementation Approach
- Public service
- Public Service Agent
- Public Service Catalogue
- Public service consumer
- Public service deliverer
- Public service provider
- Representation (in EIRA)
- Security and privacy
- Semantic Interoperability Agreement
- Semantic Interoperability Specification
- Semantic view
- Service Delivery Model
- Service Discovery Component
- Service Discovery Service
- Service Registration Service
- Service Registry Component
- Side
- Technical Interoperability Agreement
- Technical Interoperability Specification
- Technical Specification
- Technical view - application
- Technical view - infrastructure
- Underlying principles view (EIF)
#tagcoding tags for goods, services and bads