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Open data is a component of the European Interoperability Framework its Conceptual model for integrated public services provision.
The Directive on the reuse of public sector information provides a common legal framework for reuse of public sector data. The focus is on releasing machine-readable data for use by others to stimulate transparency, fair competition, innovation and a data-driven economy. To ensure a level playing field, the opening and reuse of data must be non-discriminatory, meaning that data must be interoperable so that can be found, discovered and processed.
There are currently many barriers to the use of open data. It is often published in different formats or formats that hinder easy use, it can lack appropriate metadata, the data itself can be of low quality, etc. Ideally basic metadata1 and the semantics of open datasets should be described in a standard format readable by machines.
Data can be used in different ways and for various purposes and open data publishing should allow this. Nevertheless, users might find problems with datasets or might comment on their quality or might prefer other ways of publishing. Feedback loops can help in learning more about the way datasets are used and how to improve their publication.
For reuse of open data to reach its full potential, legal interoperability and certainty is essential. For this reason, the right for anyone to reuse open data should be communicated clearly throughout the Member States, and legal regimes to facilitate the reuse of data, such as licences, should as far as possible be promoted and standardised.
These are recommendations regarding open data:
- #eif41 - Establish procedures and processes to integrate the opening of data
- #eif42 - Publish open data in machine-readable, non-proprietary formats
- #eif43 - Communicate clearly the right to access and reuse open data
Source: European Interoperability Framework - Promoting seamless services and data flows for European public administrations, COM(2017)134, 23 March 2017, url (Available in the languages of the EU Member States)
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- Conceptual model for integrated public services provision
- #eif41 - Establish procedures and processes to integrate the opening of data
- #eif42 - Publish open data in machine-readable, non-proprietary formats
- #eif43 - Communicate clearly the right to access and reuse open data
- European Interoperability Framework
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