A #SocietalArchitecture use case ?

This is a recommendation from UN Global Principles for Information Integrity - Next Steps to the Information Ecosystem (xy) stakeholder #gpii631 - Technology companies.

This requirement is labeled with the term "gpii" followed by the number of the ISIC division, group or class in which the stakeholder is active, and a letter from the alphabet.

The requirement has context indices xy (all languages), and m all businesses of #isic631 - Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals.

Integrate safety and privacy from design to delivery

Embed robust safety and privacy policies into the full life cycle of all products and services, including every phase of design, development, delivery and decommission, applying policies consistently to both human and AI-generated media.

Cooperate with independent, third-party organizations to conduct and make public ongoing human rights risk assessments related to all products and services to
proactively minimize societal risks and mitigate potential harms, including in advance of and around pivotal societal moments.

Take measures to protect and empower groups in situations of vulnerability and marginalization, members of civil society and others often targeted online; and to address gender-based and other forms of violence which occur through or are amplified by the use of technology.

Innovate to address emerging challenges including the potential prevalence of risks to information ecosystem integrity resulting from AI technologies.

Ensure diversity and inclusion in staffing at all stages of product development, and in trust and safety teams.

Establish procedures for internal information-sharing to ensure that risk and policy assessments are shared and collectively understood at all levels and functionalities of the company, including leadership.

Ensure consistent enforcement of all trust and safety policies.

Source : United Nations Global Principles For Information Integrity