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A #SocietalArchitecture use case ?
This is a recommendation from UN Global Principles for Information Integrity - Next Steps to the Information Ecosystem (xy) stakeholder #gpii631 - Technology companies.
This requirement is labeled with the term "gpii" followed by the number of the ISIC division, group or class in which the stakeholder is active, and a letter from the alphabet.
The requirement has context indices m (all businesses), j (all countries) and/or xy (all languages).
Provide data access
Provide researchers, including academics across disciplines, journalists, civil society and international organizations, access to the data that they need to better understand information integrity, inform policy and best practice and improve accountability, while respecting user privacy and intellectual property.
Such data should be disaggregated to allow for effective study of information ecosystem integrity, including societal risks, impacts on differentiated communities and populations, the implications of the use of AI technologies, potential impacts on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures.
It should include information on: algorithm-driven recommender systems, including explanations of how:
- algorithms are trained to rank, recommend, distribute and flag content;
- accounts removed, banned or demoted;
and resource allocation for trust and safety across languages and contexts.
Facilitate data delivery for researchers at minimal cost in accessible, machine-readable formats.
Source : United Nations Global Principles For Information Integrity
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