Hashtags for all economic activities & functions of government in a convenient e-book

A #SocietalArchitecture use case ?

This is a recommendation from UN Global Principles for Information Integrity - Next Steps to the Information Ecosystem (xy) stakeholder #gpii6399 - AI actors.

This requirement is labeled with the term "gpii" followed by the number of the ISIC division, group or class in which the stakeholder is active, and a letter from the alphabet.

The requirement has context indices m (all businesses), j (all countries) and/or xy (all languages).

Display data provenance

Develop and implement solutions and policies on provenance, through visible and invisible forms, such as authenticity certification, watermarking and labelling.

Undertake multi-stakeholder efforts towards the standardization of user-friendly labelling.

Source : United Nations Global Principles For Information Integrity