#isic0321 - Marine aquaculture
Class 0321 - Marine aquaculture of International Standard Industrial Classifications of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev.4 .
This class includes:
- fish farming in sea water including farming of marine ornamental fish (#cpc0411)
- production of bivalve spat (oyster mussel etc.), lobsterlings, shrimp post-larvae, fish fry and fingerlings
- growing of laver and other edible seaweeds (#cpc0493)
- culture of crustaceans (#cpc043), bivalves, other molluscs (#cpc0449) and other aquatic animals in sea water
This class also includes:
- aquaculture activities in brackish waters
- aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs
- operation of fish hatcheries (marine)
- operation of marine worm farms
This class excludes:
- frog farming, see #isic0322 - Freshwater aquaculture
- operation of sport fishing preserves, see #isic9319 - Other sports activities
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- #cpc04112 - Farmed ornamental fish
- #cpc0411 - Ornamental fish
- #cpc04191 - Other wild live fish, not for human consumption, including seeds and feeds for aquaculture
- #cpc04192 - Other farmed live fish, not for human consumption, including seeds and feeds for aquaculture
- #cpc0419 - Other live fish, not for human consumption, including seeds and feeds for aquaculture
- #cpc041 - Fish, live, not for human consumption
- #cpc04212 - Farmed freshwater fish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04221 - Wild salmonidae, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04222 - Farmed salmonidae, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0422 - Salmonidae, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04231 - Wild flatfish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04232 - Farmed flatfish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0423 - Flatfish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04241 - Wild fish of Gadiformes, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04242 - Farmed fish of Gadiformes, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0424 - Fish of Gadiformes, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04251 - Wild tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04252 - Farmed tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0425 - Tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04261 - Other wild pelagic fish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04262 - Other farmed pelagic fish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0426 - Other pelagic fish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04291 - Other wild fish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04292 - Other farmed fish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0429 - Other fish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc042 - Fish live, fresh or chilled for human consumption
- #cpc04312 - Farmed crabs, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0431 - Crabs, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04321 - Wild rock lobster and other sea crawfish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04322 - Farmed rock lobster and other sea crawfish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0432 - Rock lobster and other sea crawfish, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04331 - Wild lobsters (Homarus spp.), live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04332 - Farmed lobsters (Homarus spp.), live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0433 - Lobsters (Homarus spp.), live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04341 - Wild Norway lobsters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04342 - Farmed Norway lobsters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0434 - Norway lobsters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04351 - Wild cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon), live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04352 - Farmed cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon), live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0435 - Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon), live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04361 - Other wild shrimps and prawns, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04362 - Other farmed shrimps and prawns, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0436 - Other shrimps and prawns, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04391 - Other wild crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04392 - Other farmed crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0439 - Other crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc043 - Crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04411 - Wild abalone, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04412 - Farmed abalone, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0441 - Abalone, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04421 - Wild oysters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04422 - Farmed oysters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0442 - Oysters, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04431 - Wild mussels, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04432 - Farmed mussels, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0443 - Mussels, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04441 - Wild scallops, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04442 - Farmed scallops, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0444 - Scallops, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04452 - Farmed clams, cockles and ark shells, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0445 - Clams, cockles and ark shells, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04461 - Wild cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04462 - Farmed cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0446 - Cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04471 - Wild octopus, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04472 - Farmed octopus, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0447 - Octopus, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04491 - Other wild molluscs, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04492 - Other farmed molluscs, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0449 - Other molluscs, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc044 - Molluscs live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04511 - Wild sea cucumbers, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04512 - Farmed sea cucumbers, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0451 - Sea cucumbers, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04521 - Wild sea urchins, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04522 - Farmed sea urchins, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0452 - Sea urchins, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc0459 - Other aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh or chilled, n.e.c.
- #cpc045 - Other aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh or chilled
- #cpc04911 - Coral and similar products, shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone
- #cpc04912 - Wild live aquatic plants and animals for ornamental purpose
- #cpc04913 - Farmed live aquatic plants and animals for ornamental purpose
- #cpc0491 - Coral and similar products, shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone; live aquatic plants ...
- #cpc04931 - Wild seaweeds and other algae, fresh, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, fit for human consumption
- #cpc04932 - Farmed seaweeds and other algae, fresh, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, fit for human consumption
- #cpc04933 - Wild seaweeds and other algae, fresh, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, unfit for human consumption
- #cpc04934 - Farmed seaweeds and other algae, fresh, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, unfit for human consumption
- #cpc0493 - Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, frozen or dried, whether or not ground
- #cpc049 - Other aquatic plants and animals
- #cpc04 - Fish and other fishing products
- #cpc0 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery products
- #cpc3821 - Pearls, natural or cultured and unworked
- #cpc382 - Jewellery and related articles
- #cpc38 - Furniture; other transportable goods n.e.c.
- #cpc3 - Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment
- #cpc86152 - Aquaculture services on inputs owned by others
- #cpc86154 - Support services to aquaculture
- #cpc8615 - Support and operation services to fishing
- #cpc861 - Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing
- #cpc86 - Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities
- #cpc8 - Business and production services
- #isic0149 - Raising of other animals
- #isic0322 - Freshwater aquaculture
- #sdg14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
hashtags for goods, services and harms