Class 1410 - Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel of International Standard Industrial Classifications of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev.4 includes the manufacture of wearing apparel. The material used may be of any kind (see below for exceptions) and may be coated, impregnated or rubberized.

This class includes:

  • manufacture of wearing apparel made of leather or composition leather (#cpc8823), including leather industrial work accessories such as welder’s leather aprons
  • manufacture of work wear
  • manufacture of other outerwear made of woven (#cpc2669), knitted or crocheted fabric (#cpc2819), nonwovens (#cpc2792) etc. for men, women and children:
    • coats, suits, ensembles, jackets, trousers, skirts etc.
  • manufacture of underwear and nightwear made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric, lace etc. for men, women and children:
    • shirts, T-shirts, underpants, briefs, pyjamas, nightdresses, dressing gowns, blouses, slips, brassieres, corsets etc.
  • manufacture of babies’ garments, tracksuits, ski suits, swimwear etc.
  • manufacture of hats and caps
  • manufacture of other clothing accessories: gloves, belts, shawls, ties, cravats, hairnets etc.

This class also includes:

This class excludes:


CPC Group #cpc282 - Wearing apparel, except fur apparel with classes

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