Hashtags for all economic activities & functions of government in a convenient e-book
Class 3812 - Collection of hazardous waste of International Standard Industrial Classifications of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev.4 includes the collection of solid and non-solid hazardous waste, i.e. explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, corrosive, infectious and other substances and preparations harmful for human health and environment. It may also entail identification, treatment, packaging and labeling of waste for the purposes of transport.
This class includes:
- collection of hazardous waste (#cpc9421), such as:
- used oil from shipment or garages
- bio-hazardous waste
- used batteries
- operation of waste transfer stations for hazardous waste
This class excludes:
- remediation and clean up of contaminated buildings, mine sites, soil, ground water, e.g. asbestos removal, see #isic3900 - Remediation activities and other waste management services
CPC Group #cpc942 - Waste collection services with classes
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- #cpc94211 - Collection services of hazardous medical and other biohazardous waste
- #cpc94212 - Collection services of industrial hazardous waste (except medical and other biohazardous
- #cpc94219 - Collection services of other hazardous waste
- #cpc9421 - Collection services of hazardous waste
- #cpc94221 - Collection services of non-hazardous recyclable materials, residential
- #cpc94229 - Collection services of non-hazardous recyclable materials, other
- #cpc9422 - Collection services of non-hazardous recyclable materials
- #cpc942 - Waste collection services
- #cpc94311 - Hazardous waste preparation, consolidation and storage services
- #cpc94312 - Ship-breaking and other dismantling of wrecks services
- #cpc94313 - Non-hazardous recyclable materials preparation, consolidation and storage services
- #cpc94319 - Other non-hazardous waste preparation, consolidation and storage services
- #cpc9431 - Waste preparation, consolidation and storage services
- #cpc943 - Waste treatment and disposal services
- #cpc94 - Sewage and waste collection, treatment and disposal and other environmental protection services
- #cpc9 - Community, social and personal services
- #isic3811 - Collection of non-hazardous waste
- #isic4923 - Freight transport by road
- #sdt125 - by 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse
hashtags for goods, services and harms