A Micro journey (map) maps the configuring of some capabilities and resources by a micro actor, this is a social actor operating at the micro level in a Societal architecture.

Check #crg4VSR - Common reporting guidelines for Voluntary Stakeholder Reports for guidelines for the reporting about a micro journey's contribution to the Sustainable development goals (#SDGs).

Check customer journey maps and hashtag #MicroJourneys for approaches and challenges in the mapping of micro journeys.

Below figure uses the Archimate model elements Course of Action, Capability, Resource, Outcome, Goal to explain how Hashtags - systematically defined and #xy2wiki, applied in the communications of Micro Journeys may accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable development goals (#SDGs). Note that knowledge conversion as described in the The SECI pattern is most efficient within the context of a business or organisation. Meso journeys and macro journeys provide context for the business and preferably interact via a single window environment. The pico journeys of the work force contribute skilled labour.

#tagcoding and the micro journeys of businesses and agencies.