Hashtags for all economic activities & functions of government in a convenient e-book

Section K of International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 5 includes telecommunications activities (division 61) and information technology activities (division 62) and other information service activities (division 63). Publishing includes the acquisition of copyrights to content (information products) and making this content available to the general public by engaging in (or arranging for) the reproduction and distribution of this content in various forms. All the feasible forms of publishing (in print, electronic or audio form, on the internet, as multimedia products such as CD-ROM reference books etc.) are included in this section.

The distribution of the complete television programme by third parties, i.e. without any alteration of the content, is included in division 61. This distribution in division 61 can be done through broadcasting, satellite or cable systems.

The section includes these Divisions, Groups and Classes: