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The competence goals for levels 1 and 2 in the competence area reading and writing are:

At this level the adult should be able to

  • use basic strategies to decode and spell key words in everyday situations
  • make use of adapted electronic reading and writing tools
  • establish an impression of the text prior to reading it
  • use the context to determine the subject of the text
  • check his/her comprehension and request help if he/she fails to understand
  • consider the purpose of the communication before writing
  • reformulate his/her own texts after having received clear feedback
  • use a dictionary to find the meaning of an unfamiliar word

Reading and writing skills can be applied in various ways in working life, private life and educational activities. The examples below are illustrative and could be extended with other examples that are relevant to a person.
  • read a letter from school and spell difficult and unfamiliar words
  • look at the logo and headline of an announcement to decide whether or not to read it
  • find out what a letter that has come through the mail is about
  • find out where the time and place are stated in a summons
  • re-complete a form after having been notified of errors or omissions
  • amend statements in a message to school after having received comments on a draft
  • use a digital thesaurus for text processing
  • check automatic suggestions for words in text messages
  • call a case officer and ask for help to understand a letter from public authorities
  • use the table of contents to find the required chapter in a car user manual

Source: Vox, Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning (2013) Competence goals for basic skills - Examples of local curricula in reading and writing, numeracy, digital skills and oral skills (url)