Material represents tangible physical matter or physical elements.
Material can have attributes such as size and weight. It is typically used to model raw materials and physical products, and also energy sources such as fuel. Material can be accessed by physical processes.
The name of Material should be a noun. Pieces of Material may be composed of other pieces of Material.
Category: Physical Elements and Behaviour aspect
Examples: Plastic Case, Internal Antenna, Speedometer.
Source: Archi - The Free ArchiMate Modelling Tool - Hint for the model element.
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
hashtags for goods, services and harms
The parent item of Material is Model element, which has child items:
Application Component
- Access Management Component
- Audit Component
- Configuration and Solution Cartography Service Component
- Conformance Testing Component
- Data Publication Component
- Data Transformation Component
- Data Validation Component
- Digital Service Infrastructure
- e-Archiving Component
- e-Payment Component
- Forms Management Component
- Interoperable European Solution
- Interoperable Solution Component
- Machine Translation Component
- Metadata Management Component
- Orchestration Component
- Privacy Component
- Service Discovery Component
- Service Registry Component
- Assessment
- Business actor
- Business Role
- Administrative Data
- Census
- Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System (CRVS)
- #cofog hashtags
- Content moderation
- Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)
- Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
- GEMStat
- Global Findex
- Health Facility Data (HFD)
- Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES)
- Instrument for measuring progress in the 2030 Agenda
- Labour Force Survey (LFS)
- Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS)
- Modelling
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)
- National Action Plans (NAP)
- National Disaster Loss (NDL) Databases
- Official development assistance (ODA)
- Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
- #Tagcoding
- Threat capability
- Collaboration
- Communication Path
- Constraint
- Course of Action
- Deliverable
- Device
- Distribution Network
- Driver
- Equipment
- Event
- Facility
- Function
- Gap
- Goal
- Grouping
- Interaction
- Interface
- Junction
- Location
- Material
- Meaning
- Network
- Node
- Object
- Outcome
- Plateau
- Principle
- Process
- #gpii631a - Integrate safety and privacy from design to delivery(xy,m)
- #gpii631b - Re-evaluate business models(m)
- #gpii631c - Protect children (xy,m)
- #gpii631d - Allocate resources(xy,m)
- #gpii631e - Ensure consistent content moderation(xy,m)
- #gpii631f - Uphold labour standards(j,m)
- #gpii631g - Establish independent oversight(xy)
- #gpii631h - Develop industry standards (l)
- #gpii631i - Elevate crisis response(j)
- #gpii631j - Support political processes(j)
- #gpii631k - Collaborate with stakeholders(j)
- #gpii631l - Establish robust complaint mechanisms(xy)
- #gpii631m - Communicate clear policies(xy,m)
- #gpii631n - Enforce advertising policies(xy)
- #gpii631o - Demonstrate advertising transparency(m)
- #gpii631p - Support media safety and diversity(xy,m)
- #gpii631q - Provide data access(m)
- #gpii631r - Ensure disclosure(j,xy)
- #gpii631s - Offer control and choice(m,xy)
- #gpii631t - Label AI content(xy,m)
- #gpii631u - Ensure privacy(m)
- #gpii631v - Foster digital literacy(xy)
- #gpii6391a - Cover information integrity(xy)
- #gpii6391b - Provide crisis response(j,xy)
- #gpii6391c - Maintain professional and ethical standards(m)
- #gpii6391d - Use AI ethically(m)
- #gpii6391e - Establish transparent, human rights-responsible advertising(m)
- #gpii6391f - Respect labour standards(j,m)
- #gpii6399a - Ensure safe, secure and trustworthy AI(m)
- #gpii6399b - Commission independent audits(m)
- #gpii6399c - Respect intellectual property(m)
- #gpii6399d - Display data provenance(m)
- #gpii6399e - Support literacy(xy)
- #gpii6399f - Enable user feedback(m,xy)
- #gpii72a - Collaborate
- #gpii72b - Uphold integrity and ethical standards(n)
- #gpii72c - Promote open access(xy)
- #gpii72d - Strengthen inclusive research(xy)
- #gpii731a - Establish human rights-responsible advertising(m,xy)
- #gpii731b - Harness industry standards
- #gpii731c - Form coalitions(xy)
- #gpii731d - Require data(m)
- #gpii731e - Obligate transparency(m)
- #gpii731f - Undertake audits(m)
- #gpii749a - Maintain professional standards(m)
- #gpii749b - Disclose funding(m)
- #gpii84a - Respect, protect and promote human rights(j)
- #gpii84b - Safeguard integrity(xy,j)
- #gpii84c - Protect populations(j)
- #gpii84d - Provide access to information(j,xy)
- #gpii84e - Ensure media freedom(j,xy)
- #gpii84f - Protect researchers and civil society(j)
- #gpii84g - Provide transparency(j)
- #gpii84h - Strengthen global solidarity, capacity-building and development assistance(j,xy)
- #gpii84i - Promote political participation(j,xy)
- #gpii84j - Prioritize inclusive, public-interest research(xy)
- #gpii84l - Empower children, parents, guardians and educators(j,xy)
- #gpii9411a - Uphold integrity(l)
- #gpii9411b - Invest in literacy(l,m)
- #gpii9492a - Maintain election integrity(j)
- #gpii9492b - Protect inclusion(j)
- #gpii9492c - Offer transparency(j,m)
- #gpii99a - Scale up efforts (xy,j)
- #gpii99b - Support capacity-building initiatives (j)
- #gpii99c - Undertake advocacy(xy)
- #gpii99d - Increase dedicated capacity(i*)
- #gpii99e - Develop agile communications strategies(xy)
- #gpii99f - Provide multilingual resources(xy)
- #gpii99g - Support multi-stakeholder action plans(i)
- Resource
- Service
- #gpii631 - Technology companies
- #gpii6391 - News media
- #gpii6399 - AI actors
- #gpii72 - Reseachers
- #gpii731 - Advertisers
- #gpii749 - Fact-checking organizations
- #gpii84 - States
- #gpii9411 - Business and employers organizations
- #gpii9492 - Political actors
- #gpii98 - Households
- #gpii99 - United Nations
- System Software
- Value
- Value Stream
- Work Package
The (ontological) order of Material is the Techno Order.
Code: —
Alongside the breadcrumbs for this item which shows its "ancestry" in concept space, the Child items tab lists its descendants, and the Siblings items tab the concepts that exist under the item's "parent item". The backlinks tab lists the pages that reference this page. The menu provides an overview of the items included in the tree orders: the Natural, Social and Techno. The menu also includes a table with ISO country codes which could be used to construct localized #tagcoding hashtags in the case a page defines a #tagcoding hashtag.
2511 thing pages (All things ...),
3439 product pages (Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1), and
663 language pages.
93 "article" pages.