In Wikipedia: Chickpea

ICRISAT1 and Eiar do research about drought and pest-resistant varieties of chickpea. Here is an article in pictures: Ethiopian farmers test new chickpea crops (The Guardian, Global Development, March 2, 2012).

New "Super early" chickpeas include ICCV 96029 (super-early, 75-80 days), ICCV 2 (extra-early, 85-90 days) and KAK 2 (Early, 90-95 days). By maturing early, one can escape terminal drought and heat stress, have improved fusarium wilt resistance with large seeds and a vegetable if harvested for green seed.
Contact: Pooran Gaur; email: gro.raigc|ruag.p#gro.raigc|ruag.p.
Source: Harvesting the Seeds of Success of ICRISAT's Research.

This crop is listed in the Annex I List of Crops Covered under the Multilateral System of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Check out GENESYS for information on seed collections for this crop, with for each accession in GENESYS information such as: