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The competence goals for level 3 in the competence area numeracy are:

At this level the adult should be able to

  • use basic rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with integers, simple decimals and simple fractions
  • use the multiplication table and perform multiplications and divisions in practical situations
  • multiply and divide by 10 and 100
  • use the position system for simple decimal numbers
  • compare the size of simple fractions with 1 as the numerator, such as 1/10 and 1/8
  • compare the size of simple decimal numbers, such as 0.1, 1.8 and 0.33
  • describe the correlation between simple fractions, percentages and decimal numbers such as 1/10, 10% and 0.1, and between 3/4, 75% and 0.75.
  • use estimates involving addition and subtraction with the aid of mental calculation
  • calculate simple percentages
  • perform rounding-up of figures
  • perform simple calculations in a spreadsheet

Numerical skills can be applied in various ways in the working life, private life and educational activities. The examples below are illustrative and could be extended with other examples that are relevant to a person.
  • compare different prices for travel
  • estimate time needed and plan a visit to the cinema
  • make an estimate of the total costs involved when shopping
  • use online banking services
  • calculate the discounted price when discounts are stated as percentages
  • understand a payslip
  • compare prices and order goods online
  • double and halve food recipes
  • use simple software for maths training
  • include children in activities such as baking or games, and notice the things they learn

Source: Vox, Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning (2013) Competence goals for basic skills - Examples of local curricula in reading and writing, numeracy, digital skills and oral skills (url)