The social architecture is a reference-architecture that recognizes multiple levels of scope and socio-technology in society and its transformation (Slideshare presentation).
Everyone's path is a composition of journey segments:
- Segments as a curious student, in sports, as a loving mother or father are part of picojourneys, which are displayed as the highest level in the figure to convey the centrality of the human being in the social order and as Citizen.
- Segments while one is working in a Business or Organisation. Here it is convenient to further distinguish the organisations in accordance with their mission:
- private sector, Business for profit, livelihood, non-profit, for sports, etc.: the micro level;
- confederations protecting and representing members with similar interests with respect to the executive and legislative organs in a country, or local government unit: the meso level;
- executive and legislative organs which set general norms for society as a whole, at levels of (geographic) scope: Level local over Level National to Level international.
Given the common use of customer journey maps and in order to support Collaborative Planning (and Investment) at multiple levels in a social architecture we introduce terms Journey map, macro journey, meso journey, micro journey and pico journey.
Transformation at levels Macro, Meso, Micro and Pico
The table below generically characterizes actors at different levels in a modern society. Development agendas such as Addis Ababa Action Agenda - #a4a2030 - #pi9 involve actors at multiple levels in society. A regulative cycle or collective regulative bundle describes one possible way to deal with (required) change by key actors and in key systems or constellations (see the presentation on the Actor Atlas & Shingo Levels of Transformation1).
The level (macro, meso, micro, or pico) of a Principal2, will determine attributes of its interests (e.g., the resources for survival and growth that it must consume, produce or protect).
Also behavioural constraints are determined by the level. For instance:
- within their jurisdictions, macro and meso-level actors should refrain from giving preferential treatment to any of their micro or pico-level "subjects";
- companies compete at the micro-level in their sector of industry;
- persons compete in sports contests (in sports disciplines (meso-level)) or for job promotion (in the micro-context of an organization)
- the institutional instruments that governments can use to promote or protect domestic industries, or attract foreign investors, are constrained by global trade agreements.
The table for each area of concern (aspect) has tabs for actors at each Level of socio-technology.
Improved livelihood-centrism in knowledge conversions builds upon attitude changes and decisions by actors responsible at multiple levels of socio-technology and scope: macro, meso, micro and pico.
What is the domain and what are typical interactions and systems at the different levels?
What are typical design or development methods? How is change initiated and decided?
Which cases illustrate change factors? What representative cases are there in the literature?
What outcomes are valued and produced? How are they measured?
Alongside society and its transformation (Slideshare presentation) this table lists further explanatory references and footnotes.
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
#tagcoding tags for goods, services and bads