A #SocietalArchitecture use case ?
This Information Ecosystem (xy) stakeholder is active in #isic631 - Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals1.
Independent, free and pluralistic media serve a critical role in informing the public on matters of public interest, fostering civic engagement and promoting accountability of those in power.
Direct and indirect threats to media independence, freedom and diversity, and the decline of local and public interest journalism, however, can undermine these vital functions.
Where professional standards are not rigorously maintained, news media can erode information integrity.
Through ethical reporting and editorial practices and a commitment to transparency, bolstered by quality training and working conditions, journalists offer an indispensable service and can help restore balance in the face of risks to the integrity of the information ecosystem.
For this stakeholder, the UN Global Principles for Information Integrity - Next Steps gives these recommendations:
- #gpii6391a - Cover information integrity(xy)
- #gpii6391b - Provide crisis response(j,xy)
- #gpii6391c - Maintain professional and ethical standards(m)
- #gpii6391d - Use AI ethically(m)
- #gpii6391e - Establish transparent, human rights-responsible advertising(m)
- #gpii6391f - Respect labour standards(j,m)
Source : United Nations Global Principles For Information Integrity
The backlinks below usually do not include the child and sibling items, nor the pages in the breadcrumbs.
- #gpii6391a - Cover information integrity(xy)
- #gpii6391b - Provide crisis response(j,xy)
- #gpii6391c - Maintain professional and ethical standards(m)
- #gpii6391d - Use AI ethically(m)
- #gpii6391e - Establish transparent, human rights-responsible advertising(m)
- #gpii6391f - Respect labour standards(j,m)
- Information Ecosystem (xy)
- UN Global Principles for Information Integrity - Next Steps
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