A collective decision frame is an assessment of factors associated with the collective choices that a group has to make (definition based on that of "decision frame" in [1]).

The frame that all in the group adopt for their collective decisions is influenced by the frame's elicitation process, including communication about shared values and indicators[2] to measure a work system's condition.

Changes to the collective decision frame alter the status quo or reference point that governments or group's leadership should use when evaluating new information, deciding priorities, …

A Country-level results framework is a part of a collective decision frame, with the country's inhabitants as the members of the group (collective), and the country's territory as the work system.

1. Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman: The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice, Science, New Series, Vol. 211, No. 4481. (Jan. 30, 1981), pp. 453-458.
2. See the Indicator Dictionary for frequently used indicators of development.