The ISO 639 language code of Karbi/Mikir is mjw.

Digital Public sphere in India (528,503 Karbi/Mikir as per 2011 census) for the language Karbi/Mikir via the #mjw2wiki capability: capture Lifeworld and public sphere content in Karbi/Mikir on wiki pages to make it widely accessible and to promote literacy and empowerment of minority communities in countries where Karbi/Mikir is spoken.


Regarding the possibilities to create and contribute to a, check Welcome to the #xy2wiki impact network and the page.

#Karbi/Mikir needs #digitalPublicGoods - #digicoop1b: use #digicoop1mjw - #mjwCoding - #mjw2wiki to create and share those!

#Karbi/Mikir needs online library services (#cpc8451, #lib4dev): #cpc8451mjw - make #digicoop1mjw deliver !

#Literacy in #Karbi/Mikir goes hand in hand with content for & about Community, Social & Personal services #cpc9: enable a #cpc9mjw journey, #LeavingNoOneBehind

Similar information is provided for 663 languages.

In most of these languages there is an undersupply of digital public goods.

2392 thing pages.

Karbi/Mikir digital age services: