#tagcoding and the accelerated localization of knowledge in Northern Sami?

Northern Sami - #se2wiki

The ISO 639 language code of Northern Sami is se.

Digital Public sphere in Norway, Finland and Sweden for the language Northern Sami via the #se2wiki capability: capture Lifeworld and public sphere content in Northern Sami on wiki pages to make it widely accessible and to promote literacy and empowerment of minority communities in countries where Northern Sami is spoken.


Sami Northern Sami language resources in the European Language Grid.

Regarding the possibilities to create and contribute to a se.xy2.wiki, check Welcome to the #xy2wiki impact network and the #xy2.wiki page.

#Northern Sami needs #digitalPublicGoods - #digicoop1b: use #digicoop1se - #seCoding - #se2wiki to create and share those!

#Northern Sami needs online library services (#cpc8451, #lib4dev): #cpc8451se - make #digicoop1se deliver !

#Literacy in #Northern Sami goes hand in hand with content for & about Community, Social & Personal services #cpc9: enable a #cpc9se journey, #LeavingNoOneBehind

Copyright and Related Rights and the creator's privilege to waive for Creative work or data, some or all of these rights by adopting Open or other licenses is important for digital cooperation.

#tag Use, meaning

#digicoop hashtag on inclusive digital economy and society for speakers of Northern Sami, involving:

#seCoding #tagcoding, specifically for speakers of Northern Sami
#se2wiki #tag2wiki specifically for speakers of Northern Sami

Similar information is provided for 663 languages.

In most of these languages there is an undersupply of digital public goods.

2608 thing pages.

Northern Sami digital age services: