The ISO 639 language code of Walamo is wal.

Digital Public sphere in Ethiopia (1.6 million native speakers as of 2007 census) for the language Walamo via the #wal2wiki capability: capture Lifeworld and public sphere content in Walamo on wiki pages to make it widely accessible and to promote literacy and empowerment of minority communities in countries where Walamo is spoken.


Regarding the possibilities to create and contribute to a, check Welcome to the #xy2wiki impact network and the page.

#Walamo needs #digitalPublicGoods - #digicoop1b: use #digicoop1wal - #walCoding - #wal2wiki to create and share those!

#Walamo needs online library services (#cpc8451, #lib4dev): #cpc8451wal - make #digicoop1wal deliver !

#Literacy in #Walamo goes hand in hand with content for & about Community, Social & Personal services #cpc9: enable a #cpc9wal journey, #LeavingNoOneBehind

Similar information is provided for 662 languages.

In most of these languages there is an undersupply of digital public goods.

2390 thing pages.

Walamo digital age services: