Ontology: Social Order Neighbours: Financial Services
Actor Atlas (#tags): #ISICsK - Financial and insurance activities, #cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS) and #SDG10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
Financial assets and liabilities (AF.)1
Financial assets are economic assets comprising means of payment, financial claims and economic assets which are close to financial claims in nature.
Means of payment consist of monetary gold, special drawing rights, currency and transferable deposits.
Financial claims entitle their owners, the creditors, to receive a payment or series of payments without any counter-performance from other institutional units, the debtors, who have incurred the counterpart liabilities.
Examples of economic assets which are close to financial claims in nature are financial derivatives and shares and other equity.
See the ebook (February 2012) by Knowledge@Wharton and Ernst & Young.
Jan Goossenaerts
On stability in the financial system and regulation of the financial assets and liabilities listed below, see the article by Nicholas Beale, David G. Rand, Heather Battey, Karen Croxson, Robert M. May, and Martin A. Nowak, at: http://www.pnas.org/content/108/31/12647
Footnote: Regulation is an "institutional" interaction of the social order with a collective impact in that order.
Jan Goossenaerts