Ontology: Techno Order
Produced assets (or produced capital) include a wide range of (material) products, yet excluding content and intellectual property. These are excluded because their reproduction constraints are very different.
Appropriate Technologies
In a sustainable development context, appropriate technologies form an important segment of the produced assets.
For a knowledge resource on the appropriate technologies that people are using to improve their livelihood, see Appropedia, the "appropriate technology wiki," from the Appropedia Foundation.
The non-service sections (0-5) of CPC Ver.2 (Central Product Classification, Ver.2; ref: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/regcst.asp?Cl=25&Lg=1 )
The non-monetary sections (0-9) of SITC Rev.4 (Standard International Trade Classification, Rev.4; ref: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/regcst.asp?Cl=28&Lg=1)