Techno Order (scope)
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Ontology: Techno Order
For this order current focus is on artefacts that matter to a Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework so they can be used in a Collaborative Planning Methodology for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Other topics in this order include: solutions for language translation, regulatory consistency, public-private boundaries, open educational resources, product families, patents and patent pools, content productivity tools, participative vigilance tools, etc.
In this context, see the OECD report on Measuring Sustainable Development - Integrating economic, environmental and social frameworks (2004) with summary in OECD Observer of Sept. 2005 (by Candice Stevens).
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- Architecture
- Architecture Domain
- Aspect
- Decision frame
- Decision objective
- Decision variable
- Development initiative
- Framework
- Country hashtags
Hashtags - systematically defined
- #covid19lgu
#CPC hashtags
- #cpc0 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery products
- #cpc1 - Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water
- #cpc2 - Food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products
- #cpc3 - Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment
- #cpc4 - Metal products, machinery and equipment
- #cpc5 - Constructions and construction services
- #cpc6 - Distributive trade services; accommodation, food and beverage serving services; transport services; and electricity, ...
- #cpc7 - Financial and related services; real estate services; and rental and leasing services
- #cpc8 - Business and production services
- #cpc9 - Community, social and personal services
- #election_lgu
#isicWW hashtags
- A - Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
- B - Mining and quarrying
- C - Manufacturing
- D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- F - Construction
- G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- H - Transportation and storage
- I - Accommodation and food service activities
- J - Information and communication
- K - Financial and insurance activities
- L - Real estate activities
- M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
- N - Administrative and support service activities
- O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- P - Education
- Q - Human health and social work activities
- R - Arts, entertainment and recreation
- S - Other service activities
- T - Activities of households
- U - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
- #SDGs hashtags
- #WWlgu hashtags
- Internet
- Layer
- Level of scope
- Level of socio-technology
- Model
Model element
Application Component
- Access Management Component
- Audit Component
- Configuration and Solution Cartography Service Component
- Conformance Testing Component
- Data Publication Component
- Data Transformation Component
- Data Validation Component
- Digital Service Infrastructure
- e-Archiving Component
- e-Payment Component
- Forms Management Component
- Interoperable European Solution
- Interoperable Solution Component
- Machine Translation Component
- Metadata Management Component
- Orchestration Component
- Privacy Component
- Service Discovery Component
- Service Registry Component
- Assessment
Business actor
- Business
- Citizen
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- International Trade Centre (ITC)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- National Statistical Office
- Non-governmental organization (NGO)
- Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
- System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)
- Unicef
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
- United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN–Habitat)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
- United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
- United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends (UN-CTS)
- Worldbank
- World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Public Administration
- Public Service Agent
- Business Role
- Administrative Data
- Census
- Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System (CRVS)
#cofog hashtags
- #cofog01 - General public services
- #cofog02 - Defence
- #cofog03 - Public Order and Safety
- #cofog04 - Economic Affairs
- #cofog05 - Environmental Protection
- #cofog06 - Housing and Community Amenities
- #cofog07 - Health
- #cofog08 - Recreation, Culture and Religion
- #cofog09 - Education
- #cofog10 - Social Protection
- Content moderation
- Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)
- Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
- GEMStat
- Global Findex
- Health Facility Data (HFD)
- Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES)
- Instrument for measuring progress in the 2030 Agenda
- Labour Force Survey (LFS)
- Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS)
- Modelling
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)
- National Action Plans (NAP)
- National Disaster Loss (NDL) Databases
- Official development assistance (ODA)
- Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
- #Tagcoding
- Threat capability
- Collaboration
- Communication Path
- Constraint
Course of Action
- Journey map
Macro journey
- Circular Economy Action Plan - Communication (EU) 2020/98
- #digicoop1c - Policies for women and traditionally marginalised groups
- #digicoop1d - Metrics for digital inclusiveness
- #digicoop2 - Regional and global digital help desks
- #digicoop4 - Global Commitment on Digital Trust and Security
- #digicoop5a - Consultation and Commitment on Global Digital Cooperation
- #digicoop5b - Multi-stakeholder "systems" approach for cooperation and regulation
- Digital Single Market (DSM)
- #FightingUntruthsOnline
- Institutional Credibility Journey
- Public policy
- UN Global Principles for Information Integrity - Next Steps
Meso journey
- Batteries and vehicles
- Construction and buildings
- #digicoop3a - Review of how human rights accords and standards apply to digital technologies
- #digicoop3b - Social media enterprises to respond to concerns about existing or potential human rights violations
- #digicoop3c - On autonomous intelligent systems
- Digital public services
- Electronics and ICT
- European public services
- Food, water and nutrients
- Packaging
- Plastics
- Textiles
- Micro journey
- Pico journey
Deliverables of ICT professional profiles
- Audit report
- Budget plan
- Business case
- Business plan
- Business process definition
- Business relationship
- Business requirements
- Course of instruction
- Data model
- Development process
- Eco-responsibilities referential
- Enterprise architecture
- First level support
- Hardware component
- HR development plan
- ICT model
- ICT process definition
- ICT quality policy
- ICT strategy and implementation
- ICT training policy
- Information security policy
- Information security strategy
- Integrated solution
- IS Department & budget
- Knowledge or information base
- Multimedia component
- New technology integration proposal
- Production forecast
- Project plan
- Project portfolio
- Quality assurance
- Quality performance indicators
- Quality plan
- Risk management plan
- Risk management policy
- Sale
- Sales forecast
- Service level agreement
- Software component
- Software design description
- Software needs assessment
- Solution documentation
- Solution in operation
- Solution specification
- Solved incident
- Technical proposal
- Test plan
- Test procedure
- Test result
- Training program
- Up-to-date solution
- Validated solution
Deliverables of ICT professional profiles
- Device
- Distribution Network
- Driver
- Equipment
- Event
- Facility
- Function
- Gap
- Competence goal
Sustainable development goals (#SDGs)
- #sdg10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
- #sdg11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
- #sdg12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
- #sdg13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
- #sdg14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
- #sdg15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, ...
- #sdg16 - Promote peaceful & inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, .. institutions
- #sdg17 - Strengthen the means of implementation & revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
- #sdg1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- #sdg2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
- #sdg3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- #sdg4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all
- #sdg5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
- #sdg6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
- #sdg7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
- #sdg8 - Promote sustained, inclusive & sustainable economic growth, full & productive employment & decent work for all
- #sdg9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Enabler grouping
- Application Documentation Enablers
- Application Mediation Enablers
- Application Presentation and Access Enablers
- Application Security Enablers
- Application Test Enablers
- Application Workflow Enablers
- Decision Support Enablers
- Infrastructure Data Source Enablers
- Infrastructure Discovery Enablers
- Infrastructure Financial Transaction Enablers
- Infrastructure Privacy Enablers
- Infrastructure Security Enablers
- Infrastructure Technology Governance Enablers
- Infrastructure Translation Enablers
- Key Information Exchange Enablers
- Key Interoperability Agreement Enablers
- Key Sharing and Reuse Enablers
Enabler grouping
- Interaction
- Interface
- Junction
- Location
- Material
- Meaning
- Network
- Node
- Object
- Outcome
- Plateau
- Affordance centric principle
- Architecture principles
- General principles
- Global Principles for Information Integrity - GPII
- Information centric principle
Interoperability principles
- #eif10p - Administrative simplification
- #eif11p - Preservation of information
- #eif12p - Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
- #eif1p - Subsidiarity and proportionality
- #eif2p - Openness
- #eif3p - Transparency
- #eif4p - Reusability
- #eif5p - Technological neutrality and data portability
- #eif6p - User-centricity
- #eif7p - Inclusion and accessibility
- #eif8p - Security and privacy
- #eif9p - Multilingualism
- MECE principle
- Process
- #gpii631a - Integrate safety and privacy from design to delivery(xy,m)
- #gpii631b - Re-evaluate business models(m)
- #gpii631c - Protect children (xy,m)
- #gpii631d - Allocate resources(xy,m)
- #gpii631e - Ensure consistent content moderation(xy,m)
- #gpii631f - Uphold labour standards(j,m)
- #gpii631g - Establish independent oversight(xy)
- #gpii631h - Develop industry standards (l)
- #gpii631i - Elevate crisis response(j)
- #gpii631j - Support political processes(j)
- #gpii631k - Collaborate with stakeholders(j)
- #gpii631l - Establish robust complaint mechanisms(xy)
- #gpii631m - Communicate clear policies(xy,m)
- #gpii631n - Enforce advertising policies(xy)
- #gpii631o - Demonstrate advertising transparency(m)
- #gpii631p - Support media safety and diversity(xy,m)
- #gpii631q - Provide data access(m)
- #gpii631r - Ensure disclosure(j,xy)
- #gpii631s - Offer control and choice(m,xy)
- #gpii631t - Label AI content(xy,m)
- #gpii631u - Ensure privacy(m)
- #gpii631v - Foster digital literacy(xy)
- #gpii6391a - Cover information integrity(xy)
- #gpii6391b - Provide crisis response(j,xy)
- #gpii6391c - Maintain professional and ethical standards(m)
- #gpii6391d - Use AI ethically(m)
- #gpii6391e - Establish transparent, human rights-responsible advertising(m)
- #gpii6391f - Respect labour standards(j,m)
- #gpii6399a - Ensure safe, secure and trustworthy AI(m)
- #gpii6399b - Commission independent audits(m)
- #gpii6399c - Respect intellectual property(m)
- #gpii6399d - Display data provenance(m)
- #gpii6399e - Support literacy(xy)
- #gpii6399f - Enable user feedback(m,xy)
- #gpii72a - Collaborate
- #gpii72b - Uphold integrity and ethical standards(n)
- #gpii72c - Promote open access(xy)
- #gpii72d - Strengthen inclusive research(xy)
- #gpii731a - Establish human rights-responsible advertising(m,xy)
- #gpii731b - Harness industry standards
- #gpii731c - Form coalitions(xy)
- #gpii731d - Require data(m)
- #gpii731e - Obligate transparency(m)
- #gpii731f - Undertake audits(m)
- #gpii749a - Maintain professional standards(m)
- #gpii749b - Disclose funding(m)
- #gpii84a - Respect, protect and promote human rights(j)
- #gpii84b - Safeguard integrity(xy,j)
- #gpii84c - Protect populations(j)
- #gpii84d - Provide access to information(j,xy)
- #gpii84e - Ensure media freedom(j,xy)
- #gpii84f - Protect researchers and civil society(j)
- #gpii84g - Provide transparency(j)
- #gpii84h - Strengthen global solidarity, capacity-building and development assistance(j,xy)
- #gpii84i - Promote political participation(j,xy)
- #gpii84j - Prioritize inclusive, public-interest research(xy)
- #gpii84l - Empower children, parents, guardians and educators(j,xy)
- #gpii9411a - Uphold integrity(l)
- #gpii9411b - Invest in literacy(l,m)
- #gpii9492a - Maintain election integrity(j)
- #gpii9492b - Protect inclusion(j)
- #gpii9492c - Offer transparency(j,m)
- #gpii99a - Scale up efforts (xy,j)
- #gpii99b - Support capacity-building initiatives (j)
- #gpii99c - Undertake advocacy(xy)
- #gpii99d - Increase dedicated capacity(i*)
- #gpii99e - Develop agile communications strategies(xy)
- #gpii99f - Provide multilingual resources(xy)
- #gpii99g - Support multi-stakeholder action plans(i)
- Resource
Application Service
- Access Management Service
- Audit Service
- Configuration and Solution Cartography Service
- Configuration Management
- Conformance Testing Service
- Data Publication Service
- Data Transformation Service
- Data Validation Service
- e-Archiving Service
- e-Payment Service
- Forms Management Service
- Interoperable Solution Service
- Machine Translation Service
- Metadata Management Service
- Orchestration Service
- Privacy Service
- Service Discovery Service
- Service Registration Service
- Business Service
- Technology Service
Application Service
- #gpii631 - Technology companies
- #gpii6391 - News media
- #gpii6399 - AI actors
- #gpii72 - Reseachers
- #gpii731 - Advertisers
- #gpii749 - Fact-checking organizations
- #gpii84 - States
- #gpii9411 - Business and employers organizations
- #gpii9492 - Political actors
- #gpii98 - Households
- #gpii99 - United Nations
- System Software
- Value
- Value Stream
- Work Package
Application Component
Model pattern
- Business layer elements and xMN elements
- Change (Adjust | Act)
- Conceptual model for integrated public services provision
- Context of the Work
- Driver goal gap pattern (Check & Plan)
- "Need to innovation" pattern
- Principle/goal to plan pattern (Plan)
- Risk mitigation pattern
- Solution Architecture Template (SAT)
- Strategy elements and xMN elements
- The SECI pattern
- Work system pattern (Do)
Performance indicator
- Outcome indicator
- Process indicator
#sdg10 Indicators
- 10.1.1 - Measure income inequality using the Gini coefficient or Palma ratio, pre- and post-social transfers/tax, at global, ...
- 10.1.2 - Change in real disposable income and consumption by quintiles over time, at global, regional and national level. (BAA)
- 10.1 - Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40 percent of the population and the total...
- 10.2.1 - Measure the progressive reduction of inequality gaps over time, disaggregated by groups as defined above, for selected
- 10.2.2 - Proportion of people living below 50% of median income ( AAA )
- 10.2 - Proportion of people living below 50% of median income disaggregated by age and sex
- 10.3.1 - Percentage of population reporting perceived existence of discrimination based on all grounds of discrimination...
- 10.3.2 - Existence of an independent body responsible for promoting and protecting the right to non-discrimination ( BBB )
- 10.3 Percentage of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed within the last 12 months on...
- 10.4.1 - % of people covered by minimum social protection floor, that include basic education and health packages, by age ...
- 10.4.2 - Progressivity of tax and social expenditures e.g. Proportion of tax contributions from bottom 40%, Proportion of ...
- 10.4 - Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers.
- 10.5 - Adoption of a financial transaction tax (Tobin tax) at a world level
- 10.6 - Percentage of members or voting rights of developing countries in international organizations.
- 10.7.1 - Index on Human Mobility Governance measuring key features of good-governance of migration ( CBB )
- 10.7.2 - Number of migrants killed, injured or victims of crime while attempting to cross maritime, land, air borders ( CBB )
- 10.7 - Recruitment cost born by employee as percentage of yearly income earned in country of destination.
- 10.a.1 - Degree of utilization and of implementation of SDT measures in favour of LDCs ( CBB )
- 10.a.2 - List of government actions (by LDCs) that can be covered under the S&D of the WTO agreements, with a view to...
- 10.a - Share of tariff lines applied to imports from LDCs/developing countries with zero tariff
- 10.b - OECD ODA data, disaggregated by recipient and donor countries
- 10.c - Remittance costs as a percentage of the amount remitted
#sdg11 Indicators
- 11.1.1 - Percentage of urban population living in slums or informal settlements ( BBA )
- 11.1.2 - Proportion of population that spends more than 30% of its income on accommodation ( BAA )
- 11.1 - Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlement, or inadequate housing
- 11.2.1 - Percentage of people living within 0.5 km of public transit [running at least every 20 minutes] in cities with more...
- 11.2.2 - Km of high capacity (BRT, light rail, metro) public transport per person for cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants
- 11.2 - Proportion of the population that has convenient access to public transport
- 11.3.1 - Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate at comparable scale ( CBB )
- 11.3 - Efficient land use
- 11.4.1 - Percentage of budget provided for maintaining cultural and natural heritage ( BBA )
- 11.4.2 - Percentage of urban area and percentage of historical/cultural sites accorded protected status ( BAA )
- 11.4 - Share of national (or municipal) budget which is dedicated to preservation, protection and conservation of national cultu
- 11.5.1 - Number of people killed, injured, displaced, evacuated, relocated or otherwise affected by disasters (BBA)
- 11.5.2 - Number of housing units damaged and destroyed (BBA)
- 11.5 - Number of deaths, missing people, injured, relocated or evacuated due to disasters per 100,000 people.
- 11.6.1 - Percentage of urban solid waste regularly collected and recycled (disaggregated by E-waste and non-E-waste) (BAA)
- 11.6.2 - Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (i.e. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted)
- 11.6 - Percentage of urban solid waste regularly collected and with adequate final discharge with regards to the total waste...
- 11.7.1 - Area of public space as a proportion of total city space ( BBB )
- 11.7.2 - Proportion of residents within 0.5 km of accessible green and public space ( CBB )
- 11.7 - The average share of the built-up area of cities that is open space in public use for all
- 11.a.1 - Cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants that implement urban and regional development plans integrating population...
- 11.a.2 - Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate at comparable scale ( CBB )
- 11.a - Cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants that implement urban and regional development plans integrating population...
- 11.b.1 - Percent of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants that are implementing risk reduction and resilience strategies...
- 11.b.2 - Population density measured over continuous urban footprint (BBB)
- 11.b - Percent of cities that are implementing risk reduction and resilience strategies aligned with accepted international...
- 11.c - Percentage of financial support that is allocated to the construction and retrofitting of sustainable, resilient and...
#sdg12 Indicators
- 12.1.1 - Number of countries with SCP National Actions Plans or SCP mainstreamed as a priority or target into national ...
- 12.1.2 - Number of countries with inter-ministerial coordination and multi-stakeholder mechanisms supporting the shift to SCP...
- 12.1 - Number of countries with SCP National Actions Plans or SCP mainstreamed as a priority or target into national policies...
- 12.2.1 - Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) and DMC/capita ( BBB )
- 12.2.2 - Material footprint (MF) and MF/capita ( BBB )
- 12.2 - Material footprint (MF) and MF/capita
- 12.3 - Global Food Loss Index (GFLI)
- 12.4.1 - Number of Parties to, and number of national reports on the implementation of, international multilateral environmental
- 12.4.2 - Annual average levels of selected contaminants in air, water and soil from industrial sources, energy generation, ...
- 12.4 - Number of Parties to international multilateral environmental agreements on hazardous and other chemicals and waste ...
- 12.5.1 - National waste generation (solid waste to landfill and incineration and disaggregated data for e-waste) in kg per...
- 12.5.2 - National recycling rate, tonnes of material recycled (BAA)
- 12.5 - National recycling rate, tonnes of material recycled
- 12.6.1 - Sustainability reporting rate and quality: 1) Percentage of the world's largest companies disclosing sustainability ...
- 12.6.2 - Number or % of companies that produce sustainability reports or include sustainability information in integrated...
- 12.6 - Number of companies publishing sustainability reporting
- 12.7.1 - Number of countries implementing Sustainable Public Procurement policies and action plans (CBB)
- 12.7.2 - % of Sustainable Public Procurement in total public procurement for a set of prioritized product groups (CBB)
- 12.7 - Number of countries implementing Sustainable Public Procurement policies and action plans
- 12.8.1 - Number of countries reporting inclusion of sustainable development and lifestyles topics in formal education...
- 12.8.2 - Frequency of researches online for key words with direct links with sustainable development and lifestyles (CBB)
- 12.8 - Number of countries reporting inclusion of sustainable development and lifestyles topics in formal education curricula
- 12.a.1 - Amount of spending on R&D in developing countries, for SCP (BBB)
- 12.a.2 - Number of patents granted annually in developing countries, for SCP products / innovations (BBB)
- 12.a - Number of qualified green patent applications
- 12.b.1 - Percentage of the destinations with a sustainable tourism strategy/action plan, with agreed monitoring, development...
- 12.b.2 - Adopted national legislation to integrate sustainability objectives in tourism operations (BBB)
- 12.b - Residual flows generated as a result of tourism direct GDP (derived from an extended version of the System of Environment
- 12.c - Amount of fossil fuel subsidies, per unit of GDP (production and consumption), and as proportion of total national...
#sdg13 Indicators
- 13.1.1 - Number of countries that report having progressed from a perceived low to an intermediate or from an intermediate...
- 13.1.2 - Number of casualties and amount of economic losses (BBB)
- 13.1 - Number of deaths, missing people, injured, relocated or evacuated due to disasters per 100,000 people.
- 13.2 - Number of countries that have formally communicated the establishment of integrated low-carbon, climate-resilient...
- 13.3 - Number of countries that have integrated mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning into primary...
- 13.a - Mobilized amount of USD per year starting in 2020 accountable towards the USD 100 billion commitment
- 13.b - Number of LDCs that are receiving specialized support for mechanisms for raising capacities for effective climate...
#sdg14 Indicators
- 14.1.1 - Fertilizer consumption (kg/ha of arable land) (BBA)
- 14.1.2 - Metric tonnes per year of plastic materials entering the ocean from all sources ( CBB )
- 14.1 - Nitrogen use efficiency composite indicator
- 14.2.1 - Percentage of coastline with formulated and adopted ICM/MSP plans (CBB)
- 14.2.2 - Ocean Health Index ( CBB )
- 14.2 - % of coastal and marine development (to be defined) with formulated or implemented ICM/MSP plans (that are harmonized...
- 14.3.1 - Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations (CBB)
- 14.3 - Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations
- 14.4.1 - Fish species, threatened (BAA)
- 14.4.2 - Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable limits (BBA)
- 14.4 - Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable level
- 14.5 - Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas
- 14.6 - Dollar value of negative fishery subsidies against 2015 baseline
- 14.7.1 - Fisheries as a % of GDP ( AAA )
- 14.7.2 - Level of revenue generated from sustainable use of marine resources (CBB)
- 14.7 - Fisheries as a % of GDP
- 14.a - Budget allocation to research in the field of sustainable marine technology as a percentage of all research in field of..
- 14.b - Percentage of catches that are subject to a catch documentation scheme or similar traceability system as a percentage...
- 14.c - Number of countries implementing either legally or programmatically the provisions set out in regional seas protocols...
#sdg15 Indicators
- 15.1.1 - Coverage of protected areas broken down by ecosystem type, including total area of forests in protected areas ...
- 15.1.2 - Forest area as a percentage of total land area (AAA)
- 15.1 - Forest area as a percentage of total land area
- 15.2.1 - Net forest emissions (BBB)
- 15.2.2 - Forest cover under sustainable forest management ( BBA )
- 15.2 - Forest cover under sustainable forest management
- 15.3.1 - Trends in land degradation (BBA)
- 15.3.2 - Area of land/soils under sustainable management (BBA)
- 15.3 - Percentage of land that is degraded over total land area
- 15.4.1 - Coverage of protected areas (AAA)
- 15.4.2 - Mountain Green Cover Index (CBB)
- 15.4 - Coverage by protected areas of important sites for mountain biodiversity
- 15.5.1 - Red List Index (BAA)
- 15.5.2 - Living Planet Index (CBB)
- 15.5 - Red List Index
- 15.6.1 - Number of countries that have adopted legislative, administrative and policy frameworks for the implementation of...
- 15.6.2 - Number of permits or their equivalents made available to the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearinghouse established...
- 15.6 - Number of countries that have adopted legislative, administrative and policy frameworks for the implementation of the...
- 15.7 - Red List Index for species in trade
- 15.8 - Adoption of national legislation relevant to the prevention or control of invasive alien species
- 15.9 - Number of national development plans and processes integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services values
- 15.a - Official development assistance and public expenditure on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems
- 15.b - Forestry official development assistance and forestry FDI
- 15.c - Proportion of detected trade in wildlife and wildlife products that is illegal
#sdg16 Indicators
- 16.01.1 - Homicide and conflict-related deaths per 100,000 people ( AAA )
- 16.01.2 - Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 people (CAA)
- 16.01 - Number of victims of intentional homicide by age, sex, mechanism and where possible type of perpetrator, per 100,000 ...
- 16.02.1 - Percentage of young adults aged 18-24 years who have experienced violence by age 18, by type (physical...
- 16.02 - Percentage of children aged 1-17 years who experienced any physical punishment and violent disciplinary measures ...
- 16.03.1 - Percentage of people who have experienced a dispute, reporting access to an adequate dispute resolution mechanism...
- 16.03.2 - Percentage of total detainees who have been held in detention for more than 12 months while awaiting sentencing...
- 16.03 - Percentage of victims of violence in the previous 12 months who reported their victimization to competent authorities...
- 16.04.1 - Total volume of inward and outward illicit financial flows (CBB)
- 16.04 - Total value of inward and outward illicit financial flows (in current US$).
- 16.05.1 - Percentage of population who paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by these public officials...
- 16.05.2 - Percentage of businesses that paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by these public officials..
- 16.05 - Percentage of persons who had at least one contact with a public official, who paid a bribe to a public official...
- 16.06.1 - Actual primary expenditures per sector and revenues as a percentage of the original approved budget of the government
- 16.06.2 - Proportion of population satisfied with the quality of public services, disaggregated by service (BAA)
- 16.06 - Primary government expenditures as a percentage of original approved budget
- 16.07.1 Diversity in representation in key decision-making bodies (legislature, executive, and judiciary) ( BBA )
- 16.07.2 Percentage of population who believe decision-making at all levels is inclusive and responsive ( CBB )
- 16.07 - Proportions of positions (by age, sex, disability and population groups) in public institutions (national and local...
- 16.08 - Percentage of members or voting rights of developing countries in international organizations.
- 16.09 - Percentage of children under 5 whose births have been registered with civil authority
- 16.10.1 - Percentage of actual government budget, procurement, revenues and natural resource concessions that are publicly...
- 16.10.2 - Number of journalists, associated media personnel and human rights advocates killed, kidnapped, disappeared, detain...
- 16.10 - Number of verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of...
- 16.a.1 - Percentage of requests for international cooperation (law enforcement cooperation, mutual legal assistance and...
- 16.a.2 - Existence of independent national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in compliance with the Paris Principles ( BBB )
- 16.a - Percentage of victims who report physical and/or sexual crime to law enforcement agencies during past 12 months...
- 16.b.1 - Proportion of the population reporting and perceiving to be discriminated against directly and/or indirectly, and ...
- 16.b.2 - Proportion of the population satisfied with the quality of public services, disaggregated by service ( BBB )
- 16.b - Percentage of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed within the last 12 months...
#sdg17 Indicators
- 17.01 - Total tax revenue/GDP
- 17.02 - Net ODA, total and to LDCs, as percentage of OECD/Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors' gross national...
- 17.03 - "Foreign Direct Investments as % of total FDI + ODA." with modification
- 17.04 - Debt service as a percentage of exports of goods and services
- 17.05 - Number of national & investment policy reforms adopted that incorporate sustainable development objectives...
- 17.06.1 - Access to existing patent information (creation of a patent database) ( BBA )
- 17.06.2 - Number of exchanges - Exchange of scientists and technological staff ( CBB )
- 17.06 - Access to patent information (WIPO Patent Database) and use of the international IP system
- 17.07.1 - Total STEM Investment/GDP ( CBB )
- 17.07.2 - Total STEM per capita ($ value) ( CBB )
- 17.07 - Total amount of approved funding for developing countries to promote the development, transfer, dissemination and ...
- 17.08.1 - Internet penetration ( AAA )
- 17.08.2 - Quality of internet access (bandwidth) ( BAA )
- 17.08 - Proportion of individuals using the Internet
- 17.09 The dollar value of financial and technical assistance, including through North-South, South-South, and triangular....
- 17.10.1 - Stock of potentially trade-restrictive measures in WTO members (CBB)
- 17.10.2 - Worldwide weighted tariff-average: a. MFN applied and preferential, b. Applied to Devd/Dvg/LDCs, c. Applied by Devd...
- 17.10 - Worldwide weighted tariff-average...
- 17.11.1 - Monitoring the evolution of developing countries export by partner group and key sectors. Such as: a) Exports of...
- 17.11 - Developing country’s and LDCs' exports (by partner group and key sectors), including services.
- 17.12.1 - Average tariffs faced by developing countries and LDCs by key sectors ( BBB )
- 17.12.2 - Preferences utilization by developing and least developed countries on their export to developed countries ( CBB )
- 17.12 - "Average tariffs faced by developing countries and LDCs and SIDs", noted that "key sectors" are important and should...
- 17.13 - GDP
- 17.14 - Number of countries that have ratified and implemented relevant international instruments under the IMO ...
- 17.15 - Numbers of constraints that are embodied in ODA or loan agreements, IIAs. RTAs etc.
- 17.16.1 - Changes in the number of multi-stakeholder partnerships participants active in developing countries (CBB)
- 17.16 - Indicator 7 from Global Partnership Monitoring Exercise: Mutual accountability among development co-operation actors...
- 17.17 - Amount of US$ committed to public-private partnerships
- 17.18.1 - Number of countries that have national statistical legislation (that [a] enshrine statistical independence...
- 17.18.2 - Number of countries that have formal institutional arrangements for the coordination of the compilation of official...
- 17.18 - Proportion of sustainable development indicators with full disaggregation produced at the national level
- 17.19 - Inclusive Wealth Index
#sdg1 Indicators
- 01.1 - Proportion of population below international poverty line disaggregated by sex & age group & employment status
- 01.2.1 - Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) disaggregated by sex and age group ( BBA )
- 01.2.2 - Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national...
- 01.2 - Proportion of population living below national poverty line
- 01.3.1 - Percentage of population covered by social protection floors/systems, disaggregated by sex, with break down by child...
- 01.3.2 - Average social protection transfers as % of income / or poverty line ( BBB )
- 01.3 - Percentage of the population covered by social protection floors/systems...
- 01.4.1 Proportion of population/households with access to basic services (to be defined) by sex and age group( BBA )
- 01.4.2 Proportion of adult population with tenure that is legally recognised and documented or perceived as secure
- 01.4 - Proportion of the population living in households with access to basic services
- 01.5.1 - Number of people affected by hazardous events by sex ( CBB )
- 01.5.2 - Proportion of health and educational facilities affected by hazardous events ( BBB )
- 01.5 - Number of deaths, missing people, injured, relocated or evacuated due to disasters
- 01.a.1 - Resources mobilized and spent for poverty reduction, including government, private sector and development partners ( BB
- 01.a.2 - Spending on essential services (education, health and social protection) as % of total government spending
- 01.a - Percentage of resources allocated by the government directly to poverty reduction programmes
- 01.b - Number of national action plans related to multi-lateral environmental agreements
#sdg2 Indicators
- 02.1.1 - Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU). ( BAA )
- 02.1.2 - Prevalence of population with moderate or severe food insecurity, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale ...
- 02.1 - Prevalence of undernourishment
- 02.2.1 - Prevalence of Stunting (low height-for-age) in children under 5 years of age. ( BAA )
- 02.2.2 - Prevalence of overweight children under 5 years of age. ( BAA )
- 02.2 - Prevalence of population with moderate or severe food insecurity, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
- 02.3.1 - Value of agricultural production per hectare (measured in constant USD/hectare, disaggregated for the two lowest qui..
- 02.3 - Volume of production per labour unit (measured in constant USD), by classes of farming/pastoral/ forestry enterprise size
- 02.4.1 - Emissions of greenhouse gases in agriculture (per hectare of land and per unit of output, separately for crop and ...
- 02.4.2 - Percentage of agricultural households using irrigation systems compared to all agricultural households
- 02.4.3 - Percentage of agricultural households using eco-friendly fertilizers compared to all agricultural households using...
- 02.4 - Percentage of agricultural area under sustainable agricultural practices.
- 02.5.1 - Ex-situ crop collections indicator. ( CBB )
- 02.5.2 - Number/percentage of local breeds classified as being at-risk, not-at-risk, and unknown-levels of risk of extinction..
- 02.5 - Ex Situ Crop Collections Enrichment index
- 02.a - The Agriculture Orientation Index (AOI) for Government Expenditures
- 02.b - Percent change in Import and Export tariffs on agricultural products
- 02.c - Indicator of (food) Price Anomalies (IPA) ( CBB )
#sdg3 Indicators
- 03.1.1 - Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births ( AAA )
- 03.1.2 - Skilled birth attendance ( AAA )
- 03.1 - Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
- 03.2.1 - Under-five mortality per 1,000 live births ( AAA )
- 03.2.2 - Neonatal mortality per 1,000 live births ( AAA )
- 03.2 - Under-five mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births)
- 03.3.1 - HIV incidence per 100 susceptible person years (adults, key populations, children, adolescents) ( AAA )
- 03.3.2 - HIV/AIDS deaths per 100,000 population ( AAA )
- 03.3.3 - TB incidence per 1,000 person years ( AAA )
- 03.3.4 - Number of TB deaths ( AAA )
- 03.3.5 -Number of people requiring interventions against neglected tropical diseases
- 03.3.6 - Malaria deaths per 100,000 population ( AAA )
- 03.3.7 - Prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen in children under 5 ( BBA )
- 03.3.8 - Presence of 13 IHR core capacities for surveillance and response ( BBB )
- 03.3 - Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population (by age, sex, and key populations)
- 03.4.1 - Probability of dying of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease between ages 30 and 70
- 03.4 - Probability of dying of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease
- 03.5.1 - Coverage of opioid substitution therapy among opioid-dependent drug users ( BBB )
- 03.5.2 - Harmful use of alcohol defined according to the national context as alcohol per capita (15+ years old) consumption with
- 03.5 - Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for sub...
- 03.6.1 - Number of deaths due to road traffic accidents(AAA)
- 03.6 - Number of road traffic fatal injury deaths per 100 000 population
- 03.7.1 - Adolescent birth rate (10-14, 15-19) ( AAA )
- 03.7.2 - Demand satisfied with modern contraceptives(BBA)
- 03.7 - Percentage of women of reproductive age (15-49 years)
- 03.8.1 - Fraction of the population protected against impoverishment by out-of-pocket health expenditures(BBB)
- 03.8.2 - Fraction of households protected from incurring catastrophic out-of-pocket health expenditure ( CBB )
- 03.8 - Coverage of tracer interventions
- 03.9.1 - Population in urban areas exposed to outdoor air pollution levels above WHO guideline values(BBB)
- 03.9 - Population in urban areas exposed to outdoor air pollution levels...
- 03.a - Tobacco use among persons 18 years and older
- 03.b.2 - Total net official development assistance to the medical research and basic health sectors
- 03.b - Proportion of population with access to affordable essential medicines on a sustainable basis
- 03.c - Health worker density and distribution
- 03.d - Percentage of attributes of 13 core capacities that have been attained at a specific point in time
#sdg4 Indicators
- 04.1.1 - Percentage of children who achieve minimum proficiency standards at the end of: (i) primary (ii) lower secondary
- 04.1.2 - Completion rate (primary, lower secondary, upper secondary) ( AAA )
- 04.1 - Percentage of children/young people .. achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading and mathematics
- 04.2.1 - Early Childhood Development Index ( BBB )
- 04.2.2 - "Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age)": ...
- 04.2 - Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial wel...
- 04.3.1 - Enrolment ratios by level and type of education (TVET and tertiary) ( AAA )
- 04.3 - Participation rate of adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the last 12 months
- 04.4.1 - Participation rate in formal and non-formal education and training in the last 12 months among 25-64 year-olds( BAB )
- 04.4.2 - Percentage of youth/adults who are computer and information literate ( BBB )
- 04.4 - Percentage of youth/adults with ICT skills by type of skill
- 04.5.1 - Parity indices (female/male, urban/rural, bottom/top wealth quintile] for all indicators on this list that can be...
- 04.5 - Parity indices (female/male, urban/rural, bottom/top wealth quintile] for all indicators on this list that can be dis...
- 04.6.1 - Percentage of youth/adults proficient in literacy and numeracy skills ( BAA )
- 04.6.2 - Youth/adult literacy rate ( AAA )
- 04.6 - Percentage of the population in a given age group achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional...
- 04.7.1 - Percentage of 15- year old students showing proficiency in knowledge of environmental science and geoscience(BBB)
- 04.7.2 - Percentage of 13-year old students endorsing values and attitudes promoting equality, trust and participation in govern
- 04.7 - Percentage of 15-year old students enrolled in secondary school demonstrating at least a fixed level of knowledge...
- 04.a - Percentage of schools with access to (i) electricity; (ii) Internet for pedagogical purposes (iii) basic drinking...
- 04.b - Volume of ODA flows for scholarships by sector and type of study; Total net official development assistance (ODA) for ...
- 04.c - Percentage of teachers in (i) pre-primary (ii) primary, (iii) lower secondary and (iv) upper secondary education who ....
#sdg5 Indicators
- 05.1.1 - Whether or not legal frameworks discriminate against women and girls, as identified by the CEDAW committee(BBB)
- 05.1 - Whether or not legal frameworks are in place to promote equality and nondiscrimination on the basis of sex
- 05.2.1 - Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls (aged 15-49) subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by a current...
- 05.2.2 - Proportion of women and girls (aged 15-49) subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner...
- 05.2 - Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls (aged 15-49) subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by a current...
- 05.3.1 - Percentage of women aged 20-24 who were married or in a union before age 18 (i.e. child marriage) ( AAA )
- 05.3.2 - Percentage of girls and women aged 15-49 years who have undergone FGM/C, by age group (for relevant countries only)...
- 05.3 - Percentage of women aged 20-24 who were married or in a union before age 18 (i.e. child marriage)
- 05.4.1 - Average weekly hours spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location (for individuals five years...
- 05.4.2 - Proportion of households within 15 minutes of nearest water source( BBB )
- 05.4 - Percentage of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location
- 05.5.1 - Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments and local governments
- 05.5.2 - Proportion of women in managerial positions
- 05.5 - Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments
- 05.6.1 - Percentage of women and girls who make decisions about their own sexual and reproductive health and reproductive ...
- 05.6.2 - Existence of laws and regulations that guarantee all women and adolescents informed choices regarding their sexual ...
- 05.6 - Proportion of women (aged 15-49) who make their own sexual and reproductive decisions.
- 05.a.1 - Proportion of adult population owning land, by sex, age and location ( BBB )
- 05.a.2 - Proportion of population with an account at a formal financial institution, by sex and age ( BBB )
- 05.a - "Percentage of people with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land (out of total agricultural population)...
- 05.b.1 - Individuals who own a mobile phone, by sex(AAA)
- 05.b.2 - Individuals with ICT skills, by type of skill, by sex (BAA)
- 05.b - Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone, by sex
- 05.c.1 - Indicator to be finalized which will monitor the existence and quality of policies to achieve gender equality ( BBB )
- 05.c.2 - Percentage of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women's...
- 05.c - Percentage of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment
#sdg6 Indicators
- 06.1 - Percentage of population using safely managed drinking water services
- 06.2.1 - Percentage of population using safely managed sanitation services (AAA)
- 06.2.2 - Population with a hand washing facility with soap and water in the household ( BAA )
- 06.2 - Percentage of population using safely managed sanitation services
- 06.3.1 - Percentage of waste water safely treated ( BAA )
- 06.3.2 - Percentage of receiving water bodies with ambient water quality not presenting risk to the environment or human health
- 06.3 - Percentage of wastewater safely treated, disaggregated by economic activity
- 06.4.1 - Water Stress ( BAA )
- 06.4.2 - Water Productivity ( BBB )
- 06.4 - Percentage change in water use efficiency over time
- 06.5.1 - Status of IWRM Implementation ( BBB )
- 06.5.2 - Availability of operational arrangements for transboundary basin management ( CBB )
- 06.5 - Degree of integrated water resources management (IWRM) implementation (0-100)
- 06.6.1 - Change in wetlands extent over time (% change over time) ( BBB )
- 06.6 - Percentage of change in fresh water ecosystems
- 06.a - ODA for water and sanitation related activities and programmes
- 06.b - "Percentage of local administrative units with established and operational policies and procedures for participation...
#sdg7 Indicators
- 07.1.2 - Percentage of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology
- 07.1 - Percentage of population with electricity access (%)
- 07.2.1 - Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption (%) (AAA)
- 07.2 - Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption (%)
- 07.3.1 - Rate of improvement in energy intensity (%) measured in terms of primary energy and GDP ( AAA )
- 07.3.2 - Composite Energy Efficiency Improvement Index built up of sub-indicators measuring transport energy efficiency...
- 07.3 - Rate of improvement in energy intensity (%) measured in terms of primary energy and GDP
- 07.a - Mobilized amount of USD per year starting in 2020 accountable towards the USD 100 billion commitment
- 07.b - Ratio of value added to net domestic energy use, by industry.
#sdg8 Indicators
- 08.01.1 - GDP per capita, PPP ( AAA )
- 08.01.2 - Inclusive Wealth Index ( CBB )
- 08.01 - GDP per capita, PPP
- 08.02.2 - Export diversification in terms of products and markets (BBB)
- 08.02 - Growth rate of GDP per employed person
- 08.03.1 - Job openings rate (openings as % of employment and openings) and total separations (separations as % of employment)...
- 08.03.2 - % of MSMEs with a loan or line of credit ( CBB )
- 08.03 - Share of informal employment in non-agriculture employment by sex.
- 08.04.1 - Indicator for national material efficiency (production and consumption approaches) ( CBB )
- 08.04 - Consumption-and-production economic-growth environmental-degradation global-resource
- 08.05.1 - Employment to working-age population (15 years and above) ratio by gender and age group, and people with disabili...
- 08.05.2 - Unemployment rate by gender and age-group (AAA)
- 08.06.1 - Percentage of youth (15-24) not in education, employment or training (NEET) ( AAA )
- 08.06.2 - Youth (15-24) unemployment rate ( AAA )
- 08.06 - Percentage of youth (15-24) not in education, employment or training (NEET)
- 08.07.1 - Percentage and number of children aged 5-17 years engaged in child labour, per sex and age group (disaggregated by...
- 08.07.2 - Number of people in forced labour ( CBB )
- 08.07 - Percentage and number of children aged 5-17 years engaged in child labour, per sex and age group (disaggregated by the..
- 08.08.1 - Ratification and implementation of ILO fundamental conventions and relevant international labour and human rights ...
- 08.08.2 - Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries and time lost due to occupational injuries by gender...
- 08.08 - Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries and time lost due to occupational injuries by gender and...
- 08.09.1 - Tourism direct GDP ( BAA )
- 08.09.2 - Tourism consumption ( BAA )
- 08.09 - Tourism direct GDP (as % of total GDP and in growth rate); and Number of jobs in tourism industries (as % total jobs...
- 08.10.1 - Getting Credit: Distance to Frontier (CBB)
- 08.10.2 - Number of commercial bank branches and ATMs per 100,000 adults (AAA)
- 08.10 - % adults with a formal account or personally using a mobile money service in the past 12 months". Possible to have a...
- 08.a - Aid for Trade Commitments and Disbursements ( CBB )
- 08.b - Total government spending in social protection and employment programmes as percentage of the national budgets and GDP...
#sdg9 Indicators
- 09.1.1 - Percentage share of people employed in business infrastructure (consultancy, accounting, IT and other business...
- 09.1.2 - Transport by air, road and rail (millions of passengers and ton-km and % population with access to all season road)...
- 09.1 - Share of the rural population who live within 2km of an all season road
- 09.2.1 - MVA ( share in GDP, per capita, % growth) ( AAB )
- 09.2.2 - Manufacturing employment (share of total employment and % growth ( AAA )
- 09.2 - Manufacturing Value Added in share of total value added
- 09.3.1 - Percentage share of (M) small scale industries' value added in total industry value added ( BAA )
- 09.3.2 -Percentage of SME with a loan or line of credit
- 09.3 - Percentage share of (M) small scale industries' value added in total industry value added
- 09.4.1 - Intensity of material use per unit of value added (international dollars) ( CBB )
- 09.4.2 - Energy intensity per unit of value added (international dollars) ( BBB )
- 09.4 - Carbon emission per unit of value added
- 09.5.1 - Research and development expenditure and employment ( BAA )
- 09.5.2 - Percentage share of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added ( BBB )
- 09.5 - R&D expenditure as percentage of GDP
- 09.a - Amount of investments in infrastructure as a % of GDP
- 09.b - Percentage share of medium and high-tech (MHT) industry value added in total value added
- 09.c - Percentage of the population covered by a mobile network, by technology
- Structural indicator
Professional profile
- Account manager
- Business analyst
- Business information manager
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Database administrator
- Developer
- Digital media specialist
- Enterprise architect
- ICT consultant
- ICT operations manager
- ICT security manager
- ICT security specialist
- ICT Trainer
- Network specialist
- Project manager
- Quality assurance manager
- Service desk agent
- Service manager
- Systems administrator
- Systems analyst
- Systems architect
- Technical specialist
- Test specialist
- Technotope
- Theory
- View
- Viewpoint